> Arctic Sea Ice hits a 10 Year High on 25 June 2013 -- another EXTREME prediction fail of AGW Alarmists?

Arctic Sea Ice hits a 10 Year High on 25 June 2013 -- another EXTREME prediction fail of AGW Alarmists?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Trevor reminds me of this :


Effect = Cooling or warming

Scale = Global

Cause = N and A, N influenced by A

Status = Strong warming

Time = Years to centuries

This is his answer to one of the "effects" of Climate 'Change'. Notice in his answer he states "Strong warming" when science has never concluded this in his cause.

As the statement says "it could be gone already" but the fact still remains!

I'm new here but I've found out that since 1978 Global Temperatures have risen 0.2 C. Since I've joined this website, global temperatures have decreased a lot. We are currently in a cooling trend.

And denialist blogs never lie.

Even if it were true, don't you know the differnece between weather and climate? On the other hand, why am I asking a question about weather and climate to someone who thinks that because the Sun is at historic high, that even though it is cooling, it is still causing runaway warming?

And will this prediction fail? Here is the prediction. The next time Arctic sea ice reaches a record low, I won't hear a thing about it from Faux News, Stevegoddardwordpress or from you.

Actually, I think that prediction is pretty safe.

No it's not really a ten year high, but it's not the low everyone is predicting, also June is not the best time to comment on arctic extent, a lot could happen before the September low, like last year when a massive long lasting cyclone broke up the ice and caused the record low extent.

But Antarctica is heading for another record high, it's a little bit frightening how Antarctic ice extent keeps growing.

Someone needs to inform these guys that they need to get "on deck" and warm -up. (haha- pun there!). They'll be up to bat soon.

Earth Day 1970 Kenneth Watt, ecologist ”The world has been chilling sharply for about twenty years. If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder in the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age.”

June, 1975, Nigel Calder in International Wildlife ” The continued rapid cooling of the earth since WWII is in accord with the increase in global air pollution associated with industrialization, mechanization, urbanization and exploding population.”

Scientist ponder why World’s Climate is changing; a major cooling is considered to be inevitable – New York Times May 21, 1975

Maybe if the really are environMENTALly conscience they'll recycle the headlines for global cooling....

Ha! Ha! Trevor the 'Climatologist' is sputtering again. Saying things then denying that he said them and tries to retranslate them. Unfortunately for Trevor, we speak English over here also. No translations are needed. Once you put out those seedy comments (Notice I didn't call them lies. That is reserved for the greenies. With the blessing of Y!A.) they are there for everyone to see. What a phoney!

Then there is Gringo, who hides behind the bushes and takes potshots. If you have something to say spit it out like an honest man would. Making a man play guessing games is a tactic of the ill bred.

Notice how these often quoted by the greenie establishment sources are quickly thrown under the bus if they dare tell the truth. They are telling the truth here but lying there. What do they know anyway!?

Thanks Maxx for exposing these 'Climatologists'. It shows that these 'scientist' don't know the criteria for an honest test. If you set a date to take readings, you should stick to that date every year. Otherwise it would be cherry picking. Of course, they knew that.

Of course the ice is coming back. We told you that it would. You see, our predictions come true.

Biodiversity/Conservation GIS, Taxonomy, Protected Areas...


I don't profess to understand the objection regarding the amount of ice.

Surely the overall area is vitally important, this gives us greater albedo, a lack of which is a vital plank of the "we're all doomed" protagonists.

More area, more albedo, what's not to like?

the 10 year high is extent of ice, the surface area. The volume is down considerably, this is like an ice cube leaving a puddle of water- spreads out when melting.

yes, the models are wrong- they failed to predict how fast things are melting.

learn what the melting arctic is doing to the world (link)

Try again.

EDIT..MAXX links added.. No point in believing NASA since they faked the moon landing too.

Sorry I think it is pretty obvious what (or is that who) is high

Your graph shows ice declining, as the northern Summer reaches it's peak, which for sea ice wont be till near the end of September, ice in the short scale can fluctuate quite a bit, but you will note it is still far below the average, although I doubt you will wont to talk about that.

Long term Arctic sea ice is doing this


Which in reality over that period looks like this


As for warmist predicting summer ice could be gone by 2013, please post any official link where NSIDC or any other agency ever said that, what you have posted is the same sad story (now 6 years old) from the same single scientists who is actually from the Naval Postgraduate School, is denial really this sad that they would keep lying about this and pretending that his view is the scientific community view, I have seen this story posted by deniers quite a few times now with links to a few media sites and most of those interviews also talk to representatives of groups like the NSIDC and those reps state quite clearly that is not the view of their organisation, NSIDC have ~2030 as the earliest date for this and have never said 2013 or 2014 or any of the other dates deniers have pulled from the hot air of their blogs. Note also this is in the very BBC link you posted

"My thinking on this is that 2030 is not an unreasonable date to be thinking of."

From a Scientist of NSIDC, did you even read all your own link, whoops for the umpteenth time.

Deniers do love to make up stories on Arctic sea ice whether it creating fictional 16th century Spanish explorers who are claimed to have sailed through the NW passage and adding them to the wiki on the NWP or pretending Amundsen sailed straight through that same passage on his expedition, when in fact it took him 2 years of picking his way through in Summer only, a fact denier invariably leave out when they try to reference him. This is of course why wiki has locked most of the pages connected to climate change because denier are constantly trying to hack them, to me that is not the sign of people who think they are right, it the sign of people who will cheat, steal and lie to try and hide the fact they are wrong and these are not exaggerations as deniers to date have done all these things.

Now lets see if you can actually answer these points or will you again just go off at a tangent and try and make up stories about my job or salary, because you have no real answers to actual science.


"antarcticice - The Arctic Ice Extent is at a 10 year high for the annual date of June 25, maybe that is what you did not understand. But you knew that."

Umm my point was that you are talking about a very short period, but thanks for emphasizing my point for me, your ignoring the longer trend, "But you knew that". As I said early how is this different to the denier claim of the small drop in sea level a couple of years ago, which lasted also for a short time. Of course that at least was a small 'drop' all you have here is a slightly slower decline in ice over a short period (so it's not even going up" what you think this proves is anyone's guess, but then again it hard not to notice You did not (as usual) even try to address the actual points I raised, why am I not surprised.

I'll tell you what, I am going to archive this question and raise it again at the end of the current season, lets see what a whole season looks like rather than just June 25th, a rather odd date to pick given the end of the melt season is the end of September, still 3 months away.


Not even your very own link claims that.

Now go back to your link and try to understand how Goddard tries to mislead you.

Come on, be a good skeptic for a chance.

Hint: graph TITLES are important.


Yes, it's true. Arctic Sea Ice has very recently hit a 10 year high. The data is from the University of Alaska Fairbanks and is graphed in the link below.

Arctic Sea Ice hits a 10 Year High on 25 June 2013


In 2007 Professor Wieslaw Maslowski and Dr Mark Serreze presented one of the most alarming forecasts ever by telling the BBC that climate models were not predicting Arctic Ice melt fast enough.

Arctic summers ice-free 'by 2013'


Is this yet another catastrophic prediction FAILURE for man-made Global Warming advocates/alarmists?


Reminds me of the time Anthony Watts was jumping up and down with glee and posting his drivel about “Arctic sea-ice is highest for this date in 8 years”. Of course, it attracted all the usual and predictable comments from the deniers about how the Arctic was fine, the ice wasn’t melting, the polar bears were saved etc. They looked rather stupid when a few weeks later it was at the lowest extent ever known for that date.

Do you remember last September when Steve Goddard and Anthony Watts were telling us about Arctic sea-ice extent. No, I don’t remember it either; probably because it reached the lowest level ever known and so they conveniently ignored that.

It is actually correct to state that yesterday (25 June 2013) Arctic sea-ice extent was the highest for ten years, but this doesn’t put it into context.

For years now the amount of Arctic sea-ice has been millions of square kilometres less than it used to be (Goddard will have conveniently brushed this aside). Today there is just 10,161,719km2 of ice, 3 million km2 less than the long term norm.

So whilst Goddard’s statement is true, another thing he just happened to forget to mention is that the ten years with the lowest sea-ice extent for 25 June are in fact the last ten years, never before had the extent been so low.

It’s also true that Prof Maslowski did say the Arctic could be ice-free by summer 2013. But of course, and as usual with the skeptics, this is only part of the story. He might have said this but almost no-one else agreed with him. The BBC article you linked to quotes other scientists giving dates many years into the future.

It’s also worth noting that ‘ice-free’ does not mean devoid of ice. It means that the extent of ice per 25km pixel is less than 15%. As such, the area of ice could be as much as 2 million km2 and the Arctic would be deemed to be ice-free. Last year the ice retreated to the lowest level for thousands of years at just 3,489,063km2, this is a million km2 less than the year before, 1.5 million km2 less than the average for the last 10 years and 5 million km2 less than the longer term average. IF trends over recent decades continue then an ice-free Arctic will be a reality long before most of the predictions.

Up until 2007, the year of the second lowest ever extent, my data were predicting the first ice-free summer would be around 2047. But with one record low after another being set in recent years the current prediction is around 2029.

No matter what Goddard says or how he misrepresents reality, the inescapable fact is that Arctic sea-ice extent is in a rapid state of decline. The only way to claim any different is to lie or be mistaken, or to be deceptive.

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“There was a special event --- wasn't there?” Conditions in much of the Arctic in May 2010 were warmer than average due to anticyclonic conditions over the Beaufort Sea, normally the low pressure is centred more over the Laptev Sea. This was one of about eight dipole anomalies that have occurred in the Arctic in recent years – one of the predicted consequences of global warming.

“The point is that in June 2013 Ice Extent is now at a HIGH and that was NOT expected”. It’s at a high comparative only to recent years, longer term it’s at a near record low. As Watts knows to his cost, sea-ice extent can vary considerably from month to month, the current situation isn’t at all unusual. Last year saw 10 year record highs in April and then went on to smash the all time record low.

This year started with an all time record low, it then went above the recent average, then below it again, then above, below, above, below, above, below and now it’s above it again. Not at all unusual.

“…are you accusing them of lying?” In my answer I stated that Goddard was correct but misleading, this is very different from lying. I’ve now added “or to be deceptive” so as to include Goddard et alia.

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Ooops, two days after asking this question and Arctic sea-ice is now at it’s highest level for just four years. I did say it was variable. I wonder if Goddard will update his post (actually, I already know that he won’t). IF the recent rate of melt continues (unlikely) then on 03 July ice extent will fall below average for the last 10 years and on 08 July it will be at a record low.

every prediction is a fail