> By the year 2020, are we gonna have a shortage in food and end up eating other people?

By the year 2020, are we gonna have a shortage in food and end up eating other people?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
You say: "we're already suffering a food shortage"

That is not true, you are propagandized. You are not seeking out the real facts, you are just going on what you are being spoon-fed by Alarmists.

Here's the facts:

Bumper crops WORLDWIDE has been the result of the slightly warmer weather along with the CO2 enriched atmosphere. Of course the advocates of man-made Global Warming try to deny this fact, but the evidence is overwhelming.

Low food prices and repeated bumper crops worldwide (2000)


Four consecutive years of bumper crops worldwide (2000)


2007 U.S. Corn Crop Predicted Largest in History


Predicting a record wheat crop worldwide (2008)


Historical Increase In Corn Yield (2009)


Rice growers headed for strong yields in 2009


Argentina's Bumper Crop of Corn (2010)


Global rice production set to hit record in 2011-2012


Stupendous IPCC Prediction Failure: Global Warming Will Cause Crop Failure & Starvation --- BUT WHAT ARE THE FACTS --- charts clearly demonstrate the agricultural abundance that "global warming" has delivered


Many Bumper crops reported worldwide, while Warmists try to say crops are failing


With warmer weather, increased CO2 and plentiful rainfall, one would expect a dramatic increase in food production and that is exactly what has happened.

But of course Warmists are crestfallen over this fact because their narrative does not allow any good news in connection to their catastrophic man-made Global Warming scam.

I have many more links to reports of Bumper Crops Worldwide, if you want more just ask.


antarcticice - Was that the best you could do to show there is some kind of global food crisis due to man-made Global Warming? Did you even read the articles? The article about Argentina states they brought in 98% of their soy crop and 73% of their corn crop --- not exactly a global crisis, eh?

And the article about American corn said the same thing had happened in 1983 and in 1988, that was BEFORE the world began it's little warming spell. But even in that article the Department of agriculture officials say America will still produce a reasonable corn crop.

If that's the best you can do to show your global food crisis, I'd give up if I were you.


Yes, last December Obama gave $100,000,000,000 (yes that is billion) to the UN for Global Warming, which is a myth. How many children could that feed? Huh? Who really is the reason for these food shortages and hunger? Is it the atmosphere or governments?

When I was a kid 1/3 of the world went to bed hungry at night. An acre of corn would produce amount 20 bushels. Today many of those same acres are producing over a hundred bushels per acre. Today 2/3s of the world goes to bed hungry at night. Do you see a correlation of the environment there? Or would you reason that governments have a bigger influence in such things?

So we can reason, that governments have a much larger effect on world hunger than any 0.3 degree in change in temperature. So in turn, we can see that those who voted for a crooked government are responsible for world hunger. One only has to look at Rhodesia, which is now Zimbabwe, for a real answer. It was once the breadbasket of Africa. Now, not many years later its people are starving.

Now, with all that increase in corn production per acre, how come everyone is not eating? A lot of that corn is taken to power automobiles. The greenies have taken food out of the starving children's mouths and put it into the automobile. The governments and greenies of the world are directly responsible for starving children to death.

The President of the US and his wife take many vacations every year. Not only do they produce large amounts of CO2, many times what you and I produce, but the money could feed massive amounts of starving children.

So do you now realize that today's hunger is governmentally inspired, rather than environmentally.

CR: KFC stands for Kentucky Fried Chicken. It need not change because chicken is another word for a greenie.

Too late! We are already pretty much toast anyway...

....According to the experts!

The battle to feed humanity is over. In the 1970s, the world will undergo famines. Hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now. -- Paul Ehrlich - The Population Bomb (1968)

In ten years all important animal life in the sea will be extinct. Large areas of coastline will have to be evacuated because of the stench of dead fish. -- Paul Ehrlich, Earth Day (1970)

"Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind. We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation," - Barry Commoner Washington University Earth Day 1970

"(By 1995) somewhere between 75 and 85 percent of all the species of living animals will be extinct." Sen. Gaylord Nelson, quoting Dr. S. Dillon Ripley, Look magazine, April 1970.

“By the year 2000...the entire world, with the exception of Western Europe, North America and Australia, will be in famine,” Peter Gunter, North Texas State University, The Living Wilderness, Spring 1970.

In the labour market, 70% of many countries and the world populations engaged in other productivity's around the world while those that engage in agricultural ventures are so low. From the view point of your quest it is believed that begging from you and many others as example, engagements in agricultural ventures could change the entire world to over feeding, considering increase the world experiencing in population today.

Large-scale cannibalism is highly unlikely. Nor is any serious food shortage in wealthy nations, like the US.

What is more likely by far, is a series of smaller crises, mostly in poorer nations. A drought or insect infestation or war leads to a bad harvest, which leads to a local famine. A few thousand or so desperately poor people die, the rest make it through to the next, hopefully better, harvest. Eventually, one famine ends, only to be replaced by another somewhere else. And so on.

If the U.S. continues to force us to convert corn (food) into toxic ethanol to use with gasoline, then yes....I can see (we are already seeing skyrocketing food prices) some serious problems with the World food supply.

Hopefully, those who are forcing that crap on us will be the first to be eaten.

In the 1870s Chinese people ate other people's kids because of a great drought (How easy is it to eat your own children?). 9,000,000 people died in that drought according to records. http://www.breadandbutterscience.com/Wea...

There are people who will tell you that we can't feed our populations, but they won't tell you that Governments are controlled by banks and waste food in the name of companies making money based on a "price". Banks and Governments control food supply just as they control the "heavily-in-debt-media". Biomass of the World has increased 5% to 10% in many places in the World since 1982. You can search it if you want to. Request the link and I will give it to you.

The Federal Reserve Bank in the United States Government (The Federal Reserve Bank is not part of the United States Government itself) has stockholders who are guaranteed a 6% dividend every year because of a "lack-luster" vote in 1913 on "The Federal Reserve Act of 1913". Research it if you want to. (We had 95 Senators in 1913 and less than half voted "Yes" on the bill directly) Our entire Federal Reserve System is the biggest scam in history. Monetary Elites (Not necessarily "BIG BUSINESS") have controlled many issues for many hundreds of years. They will tell you that people are starving because they actually "know" they cause it! Media is severely in debt to banks so they will be "dictated to".

One only needs to get out of their own house to realize this.


Climate scientists and the science itself seems to think that it can only survive on promoting a negative influence of humans on the atmosphere. There was a time in history that Margaret Thatcher (Prime Minister of Great Britain (formerly a dictatorship from a King and now a monarchy due to a Qneenship) wanted 'fossil fuels' to be declared a 'greenhouse gas' that was detrimental to human existence. She wanted energy independence with nuclear energy because she didn't want to deal with Oil Cartels nor did she want to deal with the Governmentally Unionized Coal Miner's Union. She was a major influence in establishing the "Inter-Governmental Panel for Climate Change" which was formed to establish 'fossil fuels' as a demon to society as a whole.

Edit 2:

My idea is not to 'drive cars aimlessly'. I use to go for drives as a kid and enjoyed seeing sites beyond my own back yard and would always hope that long drives to see "how big the Planet really is" will always happen. Science has been caught in many exchanges about how CO2 has affected the Planet which have been extremely exaggerated. Global Warming has escaped them and they are now searching for the missing heat in the oceans (theoretically possible (just as the "Global Warming Theory" is) since oceans can absorb 1100 times the heat than the atmosphere can)

Edit 3:

Statistics are very deceiving. A temperature spike of the whole planet of 1 whole degree Celsius (1997-1998) is a well-known fact of what the Planet can do naturally. The residual effects of this type of warming is unknown. Anthropogenic measuring of recent temperature anomalies are very revealing when it comes to a century and a half of measuring a very minute part of surface temperatures. I choose not to play along with scientists who "think" they know better about the World's situation when it comes to climate change based on readings from anthropogenic sources.

It is clearly known that current population's sustenance is based on a "profit" from Monetary Elites. Monetary issues use to be based on work performed vs. monetary compensation, but now it seems based on how much control over monetary policy and "making" an equilibrium is more desirable than people having their own control of actually performing work and exchanging that work for an equivalent value.

Here's an expert at work (antarcticice) -

".... we are in 2013 estimates on effects to agriculture are based on probable changes beyond 2050, why would anyone but an idiot expect to see those changes now. Denier play this same sad game with estimates on increased Hurricane activity not expected to happen till ~2050 yet they ask "where are the changes" now ...."

Lest we forget other predictions by alarmists (very famous people - Al Gore). Neither one of these people has starved or drowned yet!

Maxx seems to have pulled out all the fantasy stops on this one

several of his crop related stories are 13 years old (current yea think)

other are 5-6 years old i.e. he cherry picked the good years, a common denier ploy

case in point what did last years US corn crop do


he has a link to Argentina's corn crop (2010)

but in 2012 it did this http://en.mercopress.com/2012/06/21/drou...

I think you see why maxxs links have odd set dates rather than 2012 or 2013, but that tends to be how he works in most things

Then we have the claim about what was predicted to happen to food crops, this is more of the same, what is it with deniers and not understanding something as simple as the year we are in, we are in 2013 estimates on effects to agriculture are based on probable changes beyond 2050, why would anyone but an idiot expect to see those changes now. Denier play this same sad game with estimates on increased Hurricane activity not expected to happen till ~2050 yet they ask "where are the changes" now

In fact I just got through answering another maxx silliness here


where he claimed that science had said summer sea ice would melt by 2013, but as here, he could provide no real link to support that claim just the thoughts of one scientist, who much of the scientific community had already dismissed, as groups like NSIDC don't see this happening to around 2030, but denier just seem to love regurgitating this nonsense.

Soylent Green is definitely the way ahead.

eventually it will probably happen if people don't learn to use condoms or keep having kids just for the experience and not because they actually care about a child's future on this planet

Teleportation is already, sort of, a reality.

Anyways, I know even to this year we're already suffering a food shortage especially in parts of Asia. So what would happen in a few more years? Population is going to be a problem aswell... I mean damn, should I still even get kids? They would end up suffering because so many people don't know how to use a condom... *sigh* I wish I was a kid again, that was when I used to think the future will have flying cars, and teleportation etc. but now, I think we don't even have a future anymore...

And when I go to McDonald's, I think that I will order a McDenier with fries. Perhaps an Egg McMaxx, or a McSagebrush.

And perhaps KFC might have to change its name to KFD, for Kentucky Fried Denialists.

And denialists who do lot's of travelling will be called "Meals on Wheels."

If they don't fart and are free range. Who cares? Got any samples.

Yes I think so. But start with dead people

yes, women and children first