> Why won't scientists admit this?

Why won't scientists admit this?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
There are more than you think.

Quote by Will Happer, Princeton University physicist, former Director of Energy Research at the Department of Energy: “I had the privilege of being fired by Al Gore, since I refused to go along with his alarmism....I have spent a long research career studying physics that is closely related to the greenhouse effect....Fears about man-made global warming are unwarranted and are not based on good science. The earth's climate is changing now, as it always has. There is no evidence that the changes differ in any qualitative way from those of the past.”

That is why. If you oppose Al Gore, you are shut down. Did you ever hear of Will Happer? No? Well that is with reason. They don't want you to listen to real scientists. They want you to listen to phonies like Trevor, who is highly protected on this site. He can say anything with impunity. And they will probably take my answer down for speaking the truth.

You see you are being masked from the truth and you only hear one side of the issue, that is by design.

As one of those scientists you refer to, I can assure you that Al Gore is of no consequence whatsoever. He gets his information from scientists, not the other way around.

You’ve probably never heard of Svante Arrhenius, he’s the Swedish scientist who is often credited with discovering global warming. This was in 1896, more than half a century before Al Gore was born. In fact, the discovery of global warming should really be attributed to Joseph Fourier in 1824 and John Tyndall in 1859.

Another thing, global warming is a consequence of the laws of thermodynamics and quantum mechanics. These laws are universal and invariable, nothing anyone does will ever change them.

One more thing, if manmade global warming doesn’t exist then neither does natural warming (it’s precisely the same mechanism for both types). And if that were the case, the effective temperature of planet Earth would be –18°C and it would be nothing more than a lifeless ball if ice floating around in space.

I get the impression that for you the issue of global warming is a political one rather than a scientific one; which is odd considering that global warming is dictated by science not politics.

And as for “poisoning the water with fluorine”, how on earth does that link in with global warming.

Might I suggest you do a little more research. Question global warming by all means, but do so in an informed and rational manner.

In your mind, all scientists and all smart people are liberals. Think a bit about what you are saying.

There is nobody who studies climate that denies humans are changing it. Either you or Stephen Hawking is an ignorant ranting rube. I wonder which. There might be a clue it that every science academy in the world agrees with Hawking, and Hawking is considered the greatest physicist of our generation. So which is the ignorant ranting rube?

Climatologists don't support Al Gore and the illuminati's global warming scam


97% of the scientific community agrees that it's real, and we're causing it. Only right wing politicians will tell you otherwise. And this nut above me.

Because it's not true, and you're a paranoid moron

I guess we won't admit it because we're not insane.

Maxx says: "There is no 97% 'Consensus' --- that is propaganda, it's a constructed Climate-Cult myth"

First, he is conflating two different things, consensus about global warming and some polls that have been done of scientists that come up with the 97% number. Second, he produces no evidence to the contrary--no matter how many times the numbers such as "97%" are disputed, there is never any hard evidence presented that they are wrong. There is clearly a consensus, and while I'm not sure exactly what the percentage of scientists that support AGW is, it's clearly above 97%.

Climate science gets it's paycheck from Global Warming, that's why they won't admit it.

I don't know what fluorine has to do with anything but you should probably watch these to get the full story on this SCAM.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

They're in cahoots with Al Gore and the rest of his liberal troupe. It's all a bunch of nonsense. Global warming is a lie fabricated by Gore and his cronies as a way for them to justify poisoning our water with flourine.

Why won't they admit it?