> Is global warming really like this?

Is global warming really like this?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Just for laughs http://www.drroyspencer.com/2014/02/exactly-how-does-global-warming-cause-50-deg-f-in-minnesota/

Sounds like a good explanation to me. I had already figured out most of that but the Caribou spinning was beyond my geology training. For that conclusion, the training and cunning of a climate scientist was obviously necessary.

I digress but I had a friend named Olsen in South Dakota and oddly he used to always say Uff dah. I guess it must be an Olsen thing.

Cool (no pun intended) Always interesting to see a "denier expert" play the lowest common denominator on local weather, I guess it must be about time from one of the denier crowd here to also post their pointless question about how "warmer are always talking about local weather" So if he thinks a -50f in Winter disproves AGW what then does he make of the plus 50c observed in a number of places in Australia this Summer, does this also prove AGW is not happening.

Sadly, given Spencer's previous posts it's hard to tell if he is joking or serious, although I think any pretense that he is still a serious scientist is shown clearly.

Who knows maybe he does think Caribou and Beluga cause the Polar vortex, I've certainly seen deniers say stupider things.

Although I would agree that comment from Spencer is often laughable.

P.S. Beluga eat fish, so little in the way of methane emissions, or perhaps Spencer has confused them with sea cows.

From your link.

"Exactly how DOES global warming cause -50 deg F in Minnesota?"

I'm disappointed in Roy Spencer for posting such a straw man argument. Perhaps the latest data shows clouds to be lagging, rather than leading temperature, and rather than admit that such data would support the cloud feedback theory and falsify his cloud forcing theory, rather than admit that he is wrong, he decided to switch from being a skeptic to being a denialist.

Yes, it is a legitimate question as to why cold weather still happens, but to explain it, we don't need to pin it on global warming. If a place in Minnesota used to get to -40C, since Earth has warmed by 0.8C, so we should expect that place in Minnesota to get to -39.2C. That still sounds pretty cold to me.

In order to claim that anything could be caused by global warming, we would need to explain how. I find it funny that Roy Spencer would be making fun of "warmers" for supposedly blaming cold weather on global warming, because the only possible link that could be drawn for global warming to cause cold weather would be if climate sensitivity were low. In fact, the mechanism for global warming to cause cold weather would be for the feedbacks to be mostly negative.


In particular, if cold weather could actually be pinned on global warming, it would be something that in control theory is called "overshoot."

That's just silliness. The consensus is a 100% on this: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-...

Well everything Spencer says is all bullsh*t so it is all a laugh. He doesn't know more about AGW than you do.

Only in the eyes of the deniers ;)

Just for laughs http://www.drroyspencer.com/2014/02/exactly-how-does-global-warming-cause-50-deg-f-in-minnesota/