> Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity regarding Climate Changes.?

Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity regarding Climate Changes.?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I think the crux of the problem is that people tend to believe what and who they WANT to believe, even if it means they believe in a lie. So for example, Rush Limbaugh makes a statement and a person hearing it thinks “I like this guy, I’ll accept what he’s saying” or “Rush rejects global warming, so do I, he must be right”.

A more rational approach would be to listen to what was being said and then to independently evaluate the validity of those claims, or at least to not systematically reject/accept them without the presence of reliable and corroborating evidence.

As humans beings, it’s in our nature to assimilate with people who are like minded. This can generate and amplify a group mentality where each person within that group both seeks and receives validation of opinion from other group members. This further reinforces the individual’s beliefs and leads to a conviction that they must be right. Whether the subject matter in question is right or wrong, is of little relevance.

Far better therefore to look for answers in something that has no opinion – namely the evidence itself.

All of the navies in the world, all of the trans ocean shipping companies, all of the world's insurance companies, the agribusiness corporations, the commercial weather forecasting companies, farmers world wide and every coastal city on the planet are ALL aware that climate change is a scientific fact. They ALL agree that indiscriminate burning of fossil fuels is the reason. They also agree that the burning of fossil fuels isn't going to stop. Burning fossil fuels won't stop because we're already deep in a 'high equilibrium trap'...we can't stop doing what we're doing because if we do the entire system would fail. The ONLY thing to do is to prepare as much as possible for an entirely different world...a world that within 30 years will see a CO2 level of 450ppm...the foothills of a runaway greenhouse effect.

So why isn't it a lot hotter now? The atmosphere is cooled by ice and seawater. Melting and thinning ice is the result of warmer seawater and the slightly longer summers and slightly shorter winters already observed. When the world's ice fields reach a given level atmospheric temperatures will rise rapidly. ALL of the science, the data and the physics of heat and atmosphere agree on the outcome. This situation is serious and demands immediate attention.....denying 'facts' is a function of 'cognitive dissonance' on the part of the deniers. Check out what the US Navy says on this issue...type in US Navy and climate change!

I'm not sure if those guys know much about science. For a better answer, I'd go with the work of scientists which is based on evidence. Every major scientific society in the world has adopted a statement like that of the American Chemical Society which says,

” Careful and comprehensive scientific assessments have clearly demonstrated that the Earth’s climate system is changing rapidly in response to growing atmospheric burdens of greenhouse gases and absorbing aerosol particles. There is very little room for doubt that observed climate trends are due to human activities. The threats are serious and action is urgently needed to mitigate the risks of climate change.”

"The Rush Limbaugh & Sean Hannity question I previously asked was not "IF" climate change/global warming is occuring. Anyone with a kindergarden education knows it most definately is occuring. Whether man is involved is undecided"

It's not undecided. You are an idiot.

That is an opinion, not a fact. You are doing the same thing that you accuse us of.

Now you accuse someone of going of on a political rant. The subject of Climate Change is a political one, NOT a scientific one. Many politicians on the green side of the issue admit it.

Quote by Ottmar Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy...Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization...One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore."

That is a fact that you obviously are unaware of. Read on, for there are many other people who admit to duping you.

Quote by Christine Stewart, former Canadian Environment Minister: “No matter if the science is all phoney, there are collateral environmental benefits.... climate change [provides] the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world.”

Quote by Timoth Wirth, U.S./UN functionary, former elected Democrat Senator: “We’ve got to ride the global-warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.”

So you admit that you are duped by hucksters like these. Now do you smell the truth? Can you see how you are duped? Now who is burying their head in the sand.

If Climate Change is so real, as you say, PROVE IT!

Trevor: Rush Limbaugh's predictions have PROVEN more accurate than Paul Ehrlich's or James Hansen's or even Holdren's. Ha! Ha! When you ever learn?

Sheldon Whitehouse is not a scientist and He rants that tornado's and Sandy were caused by So called Climate changed and He is a idiot Senator . He has no proof and neither does the Warmons on MSNBC and Current TV.

I still do not understand your question.

But put it this way, I am a natural skeptic I always disbelieve first, and then I think about it, if it seems like it has merits I might start to believe, the source has no influence on me, it's merits only, if it is on a subject that I am too dumb to understand (something with advanced maths for instance) then I will neither believe or disbelieve.

Climate science is a new science. There is a lot of things scientists don't understand about how the climate works. For example : "If CO2 has risen 40%, then why haven't temperatures gone up even farther?"

It's a linear question but science knows that the climate is non-linear and chaotic. The IP CC has stated this more than once. They still can't understand it. Their climate models try and reproduce the climate but they can't accurately predict future climate states.


CO2 creates biomass in most all of life here on Earth. Here's how big we are :

" ... humans constitute no more than 0.1 billion tonnes of dry biomass, making up only about 1 in ten-thousand of each kilogram of biomass on the planet. Our mass according to some estimates is half that of cattle or Antarctic krill, and only a third to one-thirtieth that of all ants. Clearly, we are not yet really on top of the inter-species biomass league! ... "

CO2 is a very important aspect of all of life itself but it has limitations on its warming capabilities : http://tallbloke.files.wordpress.com/201...


I digress! You are talking about actors and politicians being in the mainstream of the conversation when they absolutely have no clue about the science itself but proclaim authority. I get it now.

Learn about how the dust bowl happened.

With my phone I am unable to reply to answers to questions I previously asked. So here goes. The Rush Limbaugh & Sean Hannity question I previously asked was not "IF" climate change/global warming is occuring. Anyone with a kindergarden education knows it most definately is occuring. Whether man is involved is undecided. The question was simply. How can you or why would you or anyone believe any information from a individual or individuals who are so missimformed? Regardless of whom it was or how much they are proven incorrect. Most of the answers I recieved did'nt even answer the question? They were more defensive attacks on truth? So now I must inquire when one/ anyone see's,tastes,smells the truth. Whatever it may be regarding. Be sooo full of indifference that they simply deny and bury their head in the sand??? Another gentlemen went off to a political tangent regarding Im guessing conservative beliefs opposing liberal beliefs?? That was'nt even part of the original question? I did get he was trying to agree with Rush. However the answer was based on opinion and again NOTHING to do with actual facts. That my friends was exactly what the orginal question was based on. People in positions of whats suppose to be informative. Only instead professing incorrect facts based on opinion and NOT facts. It's too funny. What was suppose to be a easy answered question became a political discussion. So why would people follow individuals whom profess to be clearly informed yet are proven to be othetwise. Turn towards those people for information on any topic? What say you?