> Why does Yahoo suppress questions and delete comments that are against the green, climate change or progressive agenda?

Why does Yahoo suppress questions and delete comments that are against the green, climate change or progressive agenda?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Because they are in the tank for Obama, Gore and couldn't exist without Soros' money. I just had a question deleted that asked why the greenies hated Limbaugh, Palin and Bachmann so much, since they haven't done any damage to their lives. Chemflunky and Yahoo thought that was too abusive. Chemflunky is on their 'trusted' list. Ha! Ha! They are so visible. Yahoo and their minions of goof offs hate to be exposed. Watch out when you do, they think they are getting even. Ha! Ha! They are just exposing their evil agenda.

Just look a Peggy's answer, where you are a Libertarian capitalist pig. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! No question as to what her political agenda is. She is a school marm who used to propagandize the third grade. She wasn't smart enough so they put her back to kindergarteners. Oh I know she will say she is a man, but you ought to hear her scream when she get a run in her nylons. she wanted to go to New York to sign up to be a Socialist but she lives on the left coast and already is fully qualified.

Then look at the Dorkster, "I can't improve on Pegminer's answer." If the truth be know he couldn't improve one anyone's answer. He and Peggy are Gore's died in the wool disciples. But he gets paid well by Soros to muddy the Global Warming waters. What other job can you get where you can live in your mother's basement, never take a bath, and don't ever have to see the sun? Soros even takes care of his ObamaCare. What a deal.

Then you have Linny, He calls you paranoid. That is because he hasn't gotten his snappy comeback from ole Al this morning and just resorts to name calling. (Of course name calling is not according to community guidelines but when you are a greenie every opponent is fair game.)

Look at Booji Boy, one can tell from his icon he is a sock puppet, but whose? "There is not a 'progressive agenda'. Fools like you politicize everything. Assholes like you think there is 'liberal science' and 'conservative science' but in the end there is only Science and pseudoscience." If that is not a derogatory statement, then there is no such thing. But he will get by with it because that is a standard issue greenie guideline phrase. The greenies can foulmouth with impunity.

Congratulations, you finally got the truth out of Jeff M. Highly unusual. I always knew he had it in him.

Well you can see that on this site it is hard to publish the truth. But despite all their despicable actions the truth is coming out, they can't stop it ant their crooked agenda is crumbling.

I think it isn't so much as YA suppressing questions but there may be a little of that. It is more from alarmists flagging questions they don't want to deal with.

Because Al Gore, Maxx, Rothchilds candy, the Illuminati and the moon based reptilians run Yahoo.

because there has been an infection of this forum, by political conservatives who do not follow the rules who try to manipulate information in favor of their political agenda.

There is not a 'progressive agenda'. Fools like you politicize everything. Assholes like you think there is 'liberal science' and 'conservative science' but in the end there is only Science and pseudoscience.

Well, if you were a Libertarian capitalist you would have no problem with a private company running their business as they see fit.

I guess you must be one of those pro-government control socialists.

EDIT: Wow, Sagebrush really has a reading problem. Try reading my answer again S L O W L Y. Mouth the words if you have to. See if you can understand what each word means, and what the sentence means as a whole. Then apologize to me and Hey Dook for you being so stupid.

Because it's all a conspiracy. Al Gore has obviously payed Yahoo off. It is a part of the 'elites' plan to take over our lives and force feed us propaganda. Is that what you wanted to hear?

I can't improve on Pegminer's answer. The threat of socialism is everywhere; you probably don't even realize that you are part of the problem.

Because they are deleter Trolls.

Because Yahoo is "manned" by leftist and Obama sycophants that want their agenda to prosper even though it is based on lies.

Its to save you from yourself.

It doesn't.

But not to worry.

Paranoia looks good on you.

Try reading the guidelines.


no, it doesn't work that way

Cry me a river. Deniers delete their own questions and answers because they are pathological whiners and paranoid conspiracy freaks who believe they are being persecuted by imaginary forces of universal evil that want to destroy Denierdom and punish every God-fearing, reality-denying, willfully ignorant, scientifically illiterate, Bigfoot hunting, UFO abductee who has ever lived.