> Should global warming denial be more transparent?

Should global warming denial be more transparent?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I would like Dr Jello to make a statement about whether he is funded or not.

I agree with Jello. Funding that is coming from tax dollars should be transparent. As far as funding coming from private, I am indifferent.

How many millions and billions flow into democrat pockets from billionaires, while dems whine about the Koch brothers. Do you really want to pretend like the Democrats are not bought and paid for??? PULLEASE.

It is the same crap all of the time. Billions funnel into global warming activism to the point of having entire TV shows dedicated to making AGW seem scary than any of the science suggests, while you whine about some paultry amount funding a few websites for the "deniers".

Federal funding is constantly being used for AGW, while you whine about private funding for "deniers".

This is not a case of the pot calling the kettle black. This is the pot calling the white sheets black.

And lets talk about the reason for all this money centered around AGW. If they used my solution, this would nto even be an issue. It is cost-effective and does not raise taxes, but instead would lower energy bills. This is why it will not be used. People would not make enough money. Why? Because both parties are baught and paid for.

In fact, I really do not understand what you are even talking about and to whom. If you are tlaking to repubs to shame them, it certainly isn't working as the repubs generally look favorably upon the Koch brothers for the funding. If you are talking to moderates, then they are just going to ask where you get your funding.

This whole point of your seems centered around dems falsely patting themselves on the back for having a higher morality than to accept money from the koch brothers.


Oops, guess they don't.

No one is funding it, if they are it's private and has nothing to do with government funds so why would you ask them.

The truth will come out, people don't need to be paid to tell it, but my how much money they spend to make you believe the lie of global warming huh.

And you find nothing wrong with that..

OK. I'm transparent. I don't get any money for this. My satisfaction comes from exposing your evil agenda and I love the truth. What greater reward can a true scientist have?

If it's funded by tax dollars, then the answer is yes. All government data with the exception of national security should be available through FOIA

To paraphrase Star Logan, why does big oil need to buy the cow, when it can get the milk for free?

Linlyons your questions are getting more pathetic everyday, are you trying to prove AGW or are you trying to sway opinions against it, because that is what your ridiculous questions are doing.

Even then you would not accept that the alarmists get more funding.

Should the funding source be included in all posts, adds, politician's campaigns, and everything that encourages denial of global warming?

If that were done, would it make any difference?