> Are global warming deniers more likely to be not working?

Are global warming deniers more likely to be not working?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The Reptilians in the Moon Matrix hire the Illuminati who hire the Rapturous Romulans who stole Elvis's UFO, fourth dimensioned it into a time machine, and traded it to Al Gore for his beach mansion. Gore hypnotized the Proctol Elders who took over the Federal Reserve and used its seeing-eye to hijack the world's corporations who thus hire most of the world's workers, paying them peanuts except for the Illuminati. The only hope left rests with a small dedicated band of engineers, programmers and copy-paste drones who have formed a communist conspiracy to help expose the global warming hoax.

This conspiracy is for young folks, however. The geezers who deny science on YA are too old and senile to qualify.

Yes, Denying doesn't work because as Stephen Hawking once said, 'science has it's way of sifting through the cracks of society and sticking'


and for what it's worth: I work in a lab, converting electromagnetic energy into visual reproductions and i also do repairs, sometimes on items over a hundred years old. Sometimes while waiting for hard copies, or i just need a few minute break, i check out Y!A

I wonder where the Deniers think all that money comes from to pay 2500 scientists to lie

Maybe the clue is in the "global" bit. Charles and Dave once told me that they have a small team strategically placed around the world so that they can respond instantly. For instance, my working day finished at 5 pm - over 3.5 hours ago.

Probably - Clearly the global warming believers are paying people to sit at the computers to post pro warming propaganda while insulting those who are smart enough to question the "science". Since believers are getting paid to post, I guess that counts as a job.

Lunch break right now, but given the number of questions you are asking, seems a silly thing to ask.

Mostly I work on some programming with large datasets that take awhile to run, so I have a bit of time to answer questions while I am waiting.

Are you trying to start class warfare? Anyone that puts in an honest days work for their pay has my respect, even if they happen to be wrong about GW.

Change your name to Maxx.

its a lie to make us pay more tax

I asked about AGW deniers questioning of climate models.

"What causes global warming deniers to question / doubt global warming models?"

There are now 4 answers, 75% from global warming deniers:

Raisin Caine answered 18 mins ago, "95% of the models are overestimating the current temps. ..."

hardy answered 47 mins ago, "there is nothing fake about global warming "

Dr Jello answered 24 mins ago, "Because no model has yet made an accurate prediction. ..."

Patrick Star edited 58 mins ago, "it's been getting colder...."

SO, are global warming deniers less likely to have a job?

In this time of a terrible economy, are they having a harder time finding a job?

Why might that be?