> Why are people so ignorant to climate change?

Why are people so ignorant to climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Some people don't do their homework about some things. Some of the European countries are trying to convince the rest of the world that climate change is very real. It has been going on long before the first human or animal life forms walked the earth. Studies done by the Danes suggest that the earth's climate makes a complete reversal on the average of 460,000 to 800,000 years. The earth's magnetic field is the driving force. People forget about the time the earth had an ice age. Studies of the magnetic field are becoming more common now, because of the extreme weather around the world. Where are the "experts" that said there is global warming as we wind down a below average temperature summer for most of the northern hemisphere. Check out a NASA site about the magnetic field and learn where the field was not long ago compared to its location now. Whenever there is a sudden shift of the magnetic field, topographical changes occur, some violently.

They choose to be.

Clearly there are quite a few, on both sides, who just don't have a clue.

They seem to believe whatever they've been told.

But anyone who has posted here for any amount of time knows the truth.

It's warming.

That's what the science says. That's what the scientists say.

There are those who just don't want to pay taxes.

Doesn't matter what for, they just don't want to pay.

They enjoy all the benefits that this country provides, but think that someone else should pay.

It's worse.

They're fine with building up the national debt.

That is, in essence, stealing from their own children and grandchildren.

You cannot get much lower than that.

Ignoring the environment is the same.

They're willing to pass a climate mess on to their grandchildren.

That's the greed that you're dealing with here, and around the country.

Quote by Will Happer, Princeton University physicist, former Director of Energy Research at the Department of Energy: “I had the privilege of being fired by Al Gore, since I refused to go along with his alarmism....I have spent a long research career studying physics that is closely related to the greenhouse effect....Fears about man-made global warming are unwarranted and are not based on good science. The earth's climate is changing now, as it always has. There is no evidence that the changes differ in any qualitative way from those of the past.”

Here is an reasonable and educated man who knows about science. What do you know that he doesn't?

You haven't lived long enough to realize that nothing has really changed. Several years ago Al Gore told us the polar ice caps would be gone by 2013. The major scientists of the day stated that he had the science essentially right. Guess what...

If you lived in the Pacific you would be seeing the change to your coastlines. If you look at some of the island around Kiribati and Tonga, you WILL SEE the change. Just because you all live in on a huge continent and many of your no where near a coastline you don't have to deal with it... WE DO!

Actually storm activity at historic lows: ‘First time for almost 70 years that there have been no tropical storms active anywhere in the world on Sept. 1′ http://www.climatedepot.com/2014/09/01/s...

What global warming or climate change are you talking about? It's been cooling for at least 12 years according to HadCrut3 & 4. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut...

According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for almost 18 years.

I disagree with your premise. It's very difficult for people to tell from their own personal observations whether or not the globe is warming--that's part of the problem. Also, people's memories regarding weather events are faulty, to say the least. People don't remember day-to-day weather.

And while Maxx would have us believe that there's something significant about not having any tropical storms on September 1, we now have at least 2 on September 2. This year has also been way above average for the Eastern Pacific, and slightly above average globally, so when Maxx claims that storm activity is at a historic low, he is mistaken, if not outright lying--but that's typical--he has a pattern of repeatedly lying.

Laziness or because it is an issue that will come into full effect after their lives have ended. This is a generalisation though, so it's certainly not accurate.

Why are people so ignorant OF grammar? It's "ignorant of", not "ignorant to". Oh, the irony, that you complain of other people's ignorance, while yourself being ignorant.

Of course climate change happens but its not caused by man.

Like its happening before your eyes with all the severe and more Severe storms

We tell people it's because of climate change

Then they say "that's not true, I wonder what caused it"

You are so right. We never had storms before. How old are you anyway? It has been pretty flat for about 19 years and I am guessing that is way older than you.

because they have been fooled.

Conservative media is now just making things up about climate scientists http://www.salon.com/2014/08/06/conserva...

I done went outside earlier this mornin. IT'S FINE.

Lying about science makes dumb people feel good, especially ones who are gullible enough to actually believe that science is just a political plot, or dishonest enough to claim that, over and over.

What severe storms ?