> AGW-Cancer Analogy: What would you do?

AGW-Cancer Analogy: What would you do?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Gary F is showing just how much climate science really knows about how things operate. Using the Earth's temperature as a guideline to show how we are destroying the planet is a far-fetched climate science idea that has duped many. CO2 does not control our climate. It is a microscopic part of it.

When it comes to the systolic blood pressure numbers there are not any doctors that can tell you what that number has to be for it to kill you. What the doctors can tell you is that the higher this number becomes the more likely you are to die from high systolic blood pressure.

Just as with a 2C warming being a number to try to not exceed, it is not a number reached by scientist. The 2C is a number agreed upon by nations that we should not breach. The scientist can then take this number and tell us what must be done to not exceed the agreed upon 2C of warming. Scientist can also not tell us what is the amount of warming that can be seen before our extinction becomes a certainty. Scientist can tell us that the warmer the climate becomes the closer we have pushed ourselves towards extinction. The human ability to adapt is not limitless. The same holds true for nearly all life forms that we know of. We already know that some species have a very low limit in their ability to adapt.

When you talk about the cost of prevention you have omitted the costs associated with treatment due to not working on the prevention. As with medical costs, the vaccine, exercise and balanced diet are far cheaper than trying to cure the disease that could have been avoided with proper precautions. Sometimes we have to live with the disease to the best of our ability and often times with a shorter life expectancy. How costly is that to us? .. Have you ever made any attempts at using some critical thinking? .. Was it too painful for you, if you did try it?

A systolic blood pressure that is too high or too low is bad for you, but unlike climate scientist doctors have managed to work out what is the optimum blood pressure, something that climate scientist have not done, what is earths optimum temperature they don't know.

Making up a stupid story that would never happen and claiming it is representative of something else that you are lying about is not an analogy – it is an example of dysfunctional Denier thinking and dishonest Denier behavior.

>>Update 1: Maybe it is just me, but I might want to have a little more information before laying down a million dollars.<<

You should learn to identify, understand, and use the available information rather than wanting more things to lie about.

A few doctors say that they ran a model. Your systolic blood pressure went up from 130 to 132 in the last 5 years, but according to their model, it will start increasing exponentially in 20 years and you are going to surely die. You cannot find a case of this occurring in anyone's medical history. Their models have never been tested nor accurately predicted anything, but the doctors have a solution that will cost you $1 million dollars.