> It looks like I have some spare time, because the pet food factory where I have been working did not sell as m?

It looks like I have some spare time, because the pet food factory where I have been working did not sell as m?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Doggie treats are pretty much decided on by the doggies. Doggies will beg owners for those treats that are favored by the doggies and owners (well dogs are the actual owners) dutifully go to the pet stores to complete the doggie orders. The same is true for oil. When oil is high enough in price to warrant investors to risk their money, those investors will invest money in exploration, drilling, refining, etc to fill the needs of your car that is begging for more gasoline.

The ones who pull Obama's strings.

Quote by Paul Ehrlich, professor, Stanford University: “Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun.”

It is a planned action.

Gary F: No, the real reason so that government can get control. For instance, the river in Cleveland problem was solved without Federal Government regulation. The Mayor took proper remedial action once his beard caught on fire.

It is a stated purpose of many in the Obama administration, "Never let a crises go to waste." And suckers fall for it.

You saviors of the earth are a bunch of hypocrites, you point out Love Canal and other undesirable actions on the part of the 'capitalist' system, but you ignore that the very first action of the EPA was to ban DDT. Now we have Malaria back causing a lot of deaths and suffering. All because Robin's eggs were soft, which has since proven that it was a lie. Clean up your act and stop lying.

Gary F: < Environmental regulations have never stopped a project of mine or anyone I know, > Maybe not stopped, but I am sure that your actions have added needless expenses and delays. I'll admit I don't know exactly which plants are under your jurisdiction. But I can see the typical actions of your kind. Take San Luis Obispo in California back in the 80s. That is a classic example how you fellows work. You were daily making and enforcing needless engineering changes that slowed down the construction and added to the expense. That is not honest.

As to the inefficiency of the power grids, our government regulators are mainly responsible for those too. You cannot just shut down a power station without a major shift in the grid. The present administration has shut down two this last year that I know of. If you were any kind of an engineer you would know this.

Gary F: Ha! Ha! did the truth hurt you that bad?

DDT is a banned substance. Just ask the NYC exterminators. They are trying to get some to combat the bed bug infestation. Check your facts. Millions dying in Africa each year due to people like you. But you don't care. Humans are a cheap commodity to you. You love your power.

Which complaint? I was just stating FACTS. Remember the power outage on August 14, 2003? That was due to errors and inane regulation by people like you. It surely wasn't some spaceship over Northern NY. Ha! Ha!

That power grid failed big time. The same grid that has regulations governed by people like you. If It were a power grid that I designed it would have been up in an hour, rather that being down for days. Why did it take so long to get it back up? Do you know yet? Ha! Ha! Maybe it was one of those smart meters with a virus. Ha! Ha!

Gary F:
creation and passage of the Clean Water Act, (2) the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, and (3)creation of the federal Environmental Protection Agency.>

I agree the crises was used to enact that legislation. But the problem was solved BEFORE those laws were enacted. I personally know a man who was standing beside him when his beard caught on fire. "Never let a crises go to waste." A saying from your side of the issue, not ours.

As real as AGW, yes I'll agree with that. (It was laboratory proven that it didn't make Robin's eggs soft. That was the only thing that Ruckleshouse had against it.) I used DDT when I lived on a farm.

You mock proven science and experiences. Just study the construction of the Panama Canal. People were dropping like flies until DDT. In fact, they were thinking of calling off the construction until DDT came along. LOOK IT UP, IT IS KNOWN HISTORY! But the saviors of the earth always rewrite history.

Is this like the Butterfly Effect?

Your pet store is located beside a factory that makes fountain pens. Most of the workers in the fountain pen factory stop into the pet store to buy treats for their dogs after work. Since there has been a lot of wrangling with legal matters due to XL, more pens have been sold to lawyers, politicians and environmentalists. Due to the increased demand in pens, most of the workers have been asked to work later shifts and stay past the time the pet store is open. Since they can't pick up treats at your store they have been driving to a nearby grocery store that's open late and buying them there.

EDIT: Ohhhhh, pet food factory. Never mind. I can't think of any plausible reason for that.

In a recession, people cut back on doggy treats.

I noticed that the UK Gvmt produced figures that showed that petrol, diesel and natural gas consumption was down TWENTY FIVE PERCENT on 2008 levels because of the recession.

I guess that explains our cold winter, the UK has defeated global warming...

No it is because climate policies are ruining the economy


Gary F. I cant argue with you there, because I don't know a lot about what goes on in the US, and yes we have to have some controls,

but the fact is without lots of energy there is no prosperity.

No it is because you have unfortunately wasted so much time with incurably stupid, lazy, and laughably dishonest anti-science deniers of AGW here, that you are losing the ability to ask clever rhetorical questions.

Edit to your 2nd query "Who decides how much oil is left in the ground?":

That varies of course, depending which oil you mean, and all nine of your proposed answers have some, though very far from equal, degree of validity.

In the case of the Alberta tar sands, it seems to me to be first and foremost the voters of Canada, among many other factors. As I understand it, one of the motivations for behind the Keystone line (south through the US) was that there was too much political opposition in Canada to piping the sludge west to the Pacific coast.

kano --

>>climate policies are ruining the economy<<

That is a crock of shlt. I'm am environmental consultant for the power, generation, transmission, and distribution, transportation, and utility industries. Environmental regulations have never stopped a project of mine or anyone I know, and 90% of my clients waste more time and money trying to cheat the system than it costs to just follow the rules.

In fact, the only reason we even have a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and EPA is because business and industry were so completely irresponsible that they were killing people as well as every aspect of the environment. Ask the people who lived in Love Canal, NY - or those who watched the Cuyahoga River catch on fire over a dozen times - or the people who live along the 7,000 mile wide wildlife dead-zone that runs from the Mississippi Delta to Texas - or all the people with mesothelioma in Libby, MT - or the people in Kingston, TN who had a billion tons of arsenic, selenium, lead and radioactive materials come rolling into their town - or Pitcher, OK (the most toxic place in America) which is so contaminated that it has been deemed impossible to clean.


kano --

>>the fact is without lots of energy there is no prosperity.<<

That's right - and it is all the more reason that we should be ahead of the curve.

The US power grid is like an old car - it gets less reliable and costs more everyday. It's true that our rates our below those in Europe - however,European countries are improving their grids and we are not.

Two of my clients are large electric power companies and they both estimate that they have about 40 years worth work just to maintain their existing systems. And you are right - the power grid is not a luxury option - and the one we have is outdated and failing.


Sage ---

>>The Mayor took proper remedial action once his beard caught on fire.<<

You mean he jumped right on that - after it caught on fire for at least the 13th time?

The 1969 Cuyahoga River fire led DIRECTLY (was primarily responsible for): (1)

creation and passage of the Clean Water Act, (2) the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, and (3)creation of the federal Environmental Protection Agency.

DDT is still used to combat Malaria and specific other vectors.

The state of the nation's power grid is unrelated to your vacuous complaint. It is old, incapable of carrying sufficient load, and vulnerable.

Do you know anything about anything or have any opinions that are not based on ignorance, conspiracy theories, and/or paranoia?


Sage --

I guess you missed the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (2004), which specifically permits the public health use of DDT for the control of the malaria vector.

"Susceptibility of the Bed Bug Cimex lectularius L. (Heteroptera: Cimicidae) Collected in Poultry Production Facilities to Selected Insecticides"

"Bed bugs in each of the three populations exhibited high levels of DDT resistance, LC50 > 100,000 ppm, which confirms that resistance to this insecticide continues in bed bug populations."


And, in fact, the dangers of DDT are real.

Your disregard - and even disdain - for the condition of the nation's infrastructure must having America's enemies smiling. Why attack us when thanks to people like you, the nation will "stupid itself" to death.

I'd love to stay and chat, but I have to drive 150 miles to monitor the installation of some new urban and community water and gas lines. It's 5 in the morning, for crying out loud.


Sage --

>>You mock proven science and experiences. Just study the construction of the Panama Canal. People were dropping like flies until DDT. In fact, they were thinking of calling off the construction until DDT came along. LOOK IT UP, IT IS KNOWN HISTORY! But the saviors of the earth always rewrite history<<

How can anyone be lame enough to get something so simple so wrong?

The Panama Canal was completed in 1914 - however the insecticidal property of DDT was not discovered until 1939.





I mock your scientific illiteracy, the fact that you are a shameless liar, and the fact that you possibly have less interest in the truth than anyone else on the whole damn planet.

I like it poot food factry.I just can't imagine a scenario where I would have to prove that I bought a doughnut. ... It's not like if you cut off my arm

Nope, no connection!!

It looks like I have some spare time, because the pet food factory where I have been working has not been selling as much doggie treats as they were hoping. Do you see any connection to the Keystone XL controversy?