> Are global warming deniers suicidal?

Are global warming deniers suicidal?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I'd say deniers are people who haven't been hit by some major calamity like a mudslide or have had bed bugs.

The world will never be the same because it always changes. It always has and always will. Change is constant.

What doesn't work is socialism. The numerous types that were tried last century murdered over a hundred million people, yet we still have those suicidal deniers that refuse to learn from history, to learn from the failures of the past, to learn from the monstrous regimes that sprung up in the past, to learn that centralize authority leads to tyranny, to learn that centralized planning leads to poverty. Why would someone in their right mind promote tyranny? It must have do with their hatred of humanity yet typically they see themselves above humanity. It is weird I know but there are still people like that out there. They seem to promote a suicide of humanity even though they are a part of it and it seems that the best explanation is because they worship things such as the earth and the state.

Lets look at the certainty of the information, because you seem to think this is "Settled" science and anyone who disagrees with certain calamity are fools that have a psychological problem.

Paleoclimate records are based off of surrogate data that poorly agrees. They have temps from the past as varying by large amounts. Further the paleoclimate data (like ice core data) is aggregate data over hundreds of years. So with aggregate data over hundreds of years, claiming that this warming is "unprecedented" is completely unjustifiable.

The current temperature data of the past 130 years is prone to large changes due to "corrections" to the data. The BEST study found that the temp change from 1950 to 2000, was 0.9 degrees, when most other sources have it as 0.6 degrees. Just by changing the "corrections" made to the data, they were able to increase the warming by 50%. In fact, EVERY correction made to the past data have added more warming. I invite any warmer to show me a case where the "corrections" to the data resulted in less warming. Generally in my VERY scientific business, corrections go both ways.

The models. The models vary in predicted warming over the next 100 years from 1 degree to 10 degrees. AND 97% of the models are overestimating the current temperatures. Further, the models are far greater than linear, even though, the warmers use LINEAR regression to model past warming over the last 60-100 years.

The claims. We hear AGW is causing Hurricanes: http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/hrd/Landsea/gw_... Nope.

Tornadoes: http://www.ustornadoes.com/wp-content/up... Nope!.

Heat waves: http://sarcozona.org/wp-content/uploads/... Nope.

Crop destruction: http://sustainablog.org/files/2009/08/co... Nope

Floods/droughts: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/cmb/s... Nope.

Did you know, however, that plants thrive in warmer temps? Or that plants thrive with higher CO2 concentrations?

The US CO2 emission have leveled off and started to decline. Indeed solar power is finally becoming economical, so the decline will just become faster. This is all happening without their tax non-solution.

So why are they pretending the world is ending? Because no sane person would ever agree to their idiot tax solutions. You have to be rendered insane with fear to agree to such a thing. And if these "environmentalists" really cared about the climate, then environmentalists would be the first to support nuclear power not the first to protest it.


Further, you seem to think human extinction is an option. I invite anyone to justify this belief with facts.

I can tell you what I think is mental illness. Stopping 3rd world countries from having the power they need for things we take for granted like clean water, all because of some fear of models 97% of which are overestimating. I am happy to break the news to you. The wolrd is not ending and humans are not going extinct.

Further, your psychologist may want to take a look at the damage to the environment done by communistic regimes before making a pretense of the ills of the free market. I am not talking about putting too much plant food into the atmosphere, but real damage like Chernobyl.

The only thing that depresses us is how gullible some people can be.

How many species that have gone extinct in the last 10 years can you name?

Yes I see the coming collapse (economic collapse) caused by expensive energy, outsourced jobs to China, increased regulations strangling industry, increased taxes, increased power of beaurocracy (EPA) thank God I don't live in the USA.

name just one species made extinct by AGW

One is almost forced to assume so. They cling to their ideology in the face of all contrary evidence, an ideology based on extreme conservative politics rather than reality and comonsense

According to more pessimist ( some would call them realist actually ) scientists we already passed the point where long term environmental damage has been spewed into the atmosphere that the world will never be the same for the next 100 years at least.

And still denial is at an all time high.

A psychologist explained that conservatives don't want to admit global warming is real because it would show their "free market" bullshit doesn't work and ruin their whole philosophy of "self-reliance". A sort of cognitive bias if you will.

But surely they must see the incoming collapse. Coupled with peak energy this has the potential to finish off civilization as we know it.

So are they just suicidal?

And if they are , why?

Religious logic? Or maybe greed? ( how can you tink of money for HUMANITY may go EXTINCT - animals are already going extinct at an alarming rate ).