> How many skeptics here are actually conspiracy theorists?

How many skeptics here are actually conspiracy theorists?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The Cambridge dictionary defines 'conspiracy theorist' as:

conspiracy theorist: someone who believes in a conspiracy theory


Wouldn't that be everybody on the planet? Who is more naive, a conspiracy theorist or someone that believes there are no conspiracies in the world?

If you search on "convicted of conspiracy" at Yahoo you get 332,000 hits. https://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0L...

It seems there ARE conspiracies in the world after all.


the problem is that I do not consider something done out in the open and easily seen to be a conspiracy anymore.

The news making out AGW to be a huge catastrophe is right out for everyone to see. Further, their need to get rating and make every story seem more important than it really is, is NOT a conspiracy, it is how they make more money.

It is not a conspiracy to say that the scientists are biased towards AGW. 95% of their models are overestimating. Its right there for everyone to see. Further, funding increases with people's awareness or fear of a problem. And who doesn't want to look at their work as saving the world, instead of jsut tracking the temperature???

Other things ARE conspiracies. ISIS has a British person killing US citizens. Does that not strike people as odd. The US had not been really attacking ISIS at all. So a British man who is part of ISIS kills Americans to keep us out of the war??? What sense does that make? Its not like a British man does not know enough about our culture. He shoudl know very well that he would only bring us into the war.

Now for this, I have no idea what the truth is, BUT whatever it is, it would be looked at as a conspiracy theory by the public.

Generally speaking, I doubt we know much about what goes on behind the scenes in international or even national politics. Does my stating the obvious make me a weird conspiracy theorist or a realist?

Global Worming Theory , lets see to conspire on a theory is what is called a Conspiracy Theorist . So to not go along with your Theory can in no way make a person a conspiracy theorist ,,,,, The AGW calls this climate change theory , at best a hypothesis with out education behind it . Back in the old days the just call it a ******** artist .

A conspiracy theory originally meant the "theory" that an event or phenomenon was the result of conspiracy between interested parties; however, from the mid-1960s onward, it is often used to denote ridiculous, misconceived, paranoid, unfounded, outlandish or irrational theories.The problem is this results in possibly-rational conspiracy theories getting lost in the midst of the noise of newsworthy but disingenuous ideas such as New World Order or the Moon landing hoax.

Daniel Pipes, in an early essay "adapted from a study prepared for the CIA", attempted to define which beliefs distinguish the conspiracy mentality from more conventional patterns of thought. He defined them as: appearances deceive; conspiracies drive history; nothing is haphazard; the enemy always gains power, fame, money, and sex.

< I also think that a few of the top climatologists are liars and frauds. Is that really a conspiracy? There are liars and frauds in most professions and I don't think climatology is immune from them.>

I would say that 3% of them are liars and frauds.


If two people set out in attempt to defraud anyone, that is a conspiracy.

Quote by Club of Rome: "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose."

That is a classic example of a conspiracy.

Ah well sometimes even paranoid schizophrenists have enemies, for those who dont know paranoids tend to believe everyone is out to get them.

I don't think there are many planned conspiracies, I just think climate scientists got it wrong and are too embarassed to admit it.

Dook is funny.

Judging from Hey Dooks "questions" he thinks were all conspiracy crazy.

I'll admit to thinking that a vast majority of climate scientists suffer from confirmation bias when dealing with AGW. I also think that a few of the top climatologists are liars and frauds. Is that really a conspiracy? There are liars and frauds in most professions and I don't think climatology is immune from them.