> Were you impressed with the caliber of intellect of those participating in the recent 'Climate March'?

Were you impressed with the caliber of intellect of those participating in the recent 'Climate March'?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

It's actually very sad.

A bunch of slaves to an elitist system who don't even realise or see their own chains of slavery all marching to demand increased slavery.

I'm starting to believe that in ancient history humans must have been bred to be slaves because the amount of sheep running around in our society is astounding.

Many scientists also contributed to the climate march. Why didn't they interview them? You and people that think similarly complain about how the media shows what they want to show yet you are here posting something that does it to the extreme.

Some of those quotes were obviously taken out of context. Others didn't have anything to do with the march. It seems the interviewers were grasping at straws to the extreme. I'm sure if I went there I could do a far better job at finding ignorants than these people did. They did a bad job even if it was meant to be funny.

Yes! I was impressed that they could walk and carry a sign at the same time. I was impressed how Leo could duck out so quickly when asked about his yacht. I was impressed that Gore had to be shown where his car was. I was impressed that Bernie Sanders thought last summer was the hottest on record, against all legitimate figures. I was impressed that all those old hippies could slobber at the women and dream about using their Viagra. I was impressed that all those old people could amass so much garbage. Most of all, I was impressed at how many Socialist sign up sites there were.

I wonder how many Thunderbird wine bottles the sponsors had to shell out to get more people there? To most of them Global Warming was a case of Thunderbird.

What's really funny is that WUWT talks about 'de-evolution' one day after it promoted the Cornwell Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, a religiously biased anti-science group which rejects Evolution and promotes Creationism.

The dumbest airheaded hippy marching through midtown Manhattan could not compete in stupidity with those who read and quote from the pseudo science recycling center Wattsup.

I for one welcome these people's right to freely express themselves, we all need to see how stupid they are. Are they stupid, is what they believe in stupid, or are we simply too stupid to understand.

You seem to have a problem with freedom of expression.

conservatives are proof neanderthals mated with modern humans
