> What are some positives of Global Warming?

What are some positives of Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Advantages of Global Warming

Arctic, Antarctic, Siberia, and other frozen regions of earth may experience more plant growth and milder climates.

The next ice age may be prevented from occurring.

Northwest Passage through Canada's formerly-icy north opens up to sea transportation.

Less need for energy consumption to warm cold places.

Fewer deaths or injuries due to cold weather.

Longer growing seasons could mean increased agricultural production in some local areas.

Mountains increase in height due to melting glaciers, becoming higher as they rebound against the missing weight of the ice.

Boundary disputes between countries over low-lying islands will disappear.

Well by looking back to the 'holocene optimum' 9000 to 6000yrs ago, when the world was actually warmer than now, It seems it was a better place, there were rivers and lakes in the Sahara, forests in China where there are deserts now, it was a time when all the great civilizations started and humans thrived.

"One benefit is without global warming, the summer would have been even cooler in New York" Not necessarily. You're confusing climate with weather. Weather is the short term (even a year is "short term" in climate terms) - climate is the long term trend over a period of years. The weather may be hotter or colder at any given point with or without global warming/climate change.

Overall climate change is a negative for human civilization, I'm not "in favor" of it, and think we need to address it in a greater manner than we currently are. But it's occurring, like it or not, and as with any change, there will be some negatives, and some positives.

Possible positive effects of global climate change *could* be:

- a slightly longer growing season in temperate climates.

- an expansion of the plants that will grow in northern latitudes. Places such as Canada will be able to grow more crops.

- plants *might* grow faster due to a higher concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere

- lower energy consumption for heating in northern climates, although this would probably be cancelled out by the higher energy consumption for cooling in the summer.

That's about all I can think of. The negatives far outweigh the positives...

Anything that makes life bad for Americans is a good thing. So absolutely no benefit from global warming

the cold areas get warm a plus I like spring and so bring on the weather change. We had no bugs this springs. Allelulia. Cool summer glorious.

As others have mentioned, it can extend the growing season in areas that are subject to frost. Increased precipitation, higher temperatures and increased CO2 may help agricultural production in areas like Canada and Northern Europe. It appears that we may be seeing an expansion of the boreal forest.

See Peg's answer.

Also, people get some of theKoch's money for spreading propaganda.

Basically, it's about getting the reversed weather condition. Cold places will get warmer and warm places will get colder, I think that's about it. So, people will get to experience what people in the other side of the globe experienced. :)

We're going to have a great opportunity to restore coastal estuarine environments as land values in low-lying areas drop and we have a chance to preplan what to do with these areas.

The positives is that so-called "global warming" is temporary and natural. The planets climate is never static, it's always changing. If the planet isn't warming, then it's cooling, and if it's not cooling, then it's warming.

A little warming is a good thing. I have read about many benefits. One benefit is without global warming, the summer would have been even cooler in New York, and more people would have been depressed.

Here's the money quote:

“Following the long, cold winter, they just expected a really long, hot summer, so they’re not seeing that.”


Why do you look forward to a bit more warm?

most of these "advantages" come with tremendous downsides like the co2 that makes the plants grow a bit bigger also waters down the nutrients in fruits vegetables and grains. the plants might be bigger but the nutritional value will most likely decrease. Any positives of global warming will be overshadowed by the tremendous droughts we are already beginning to see in texas and california and the rise of sea levels which will displace billions of people into countries like america, australia and much of europe.

http://skepticalscience.com/global-warmi... has a nice list of the positive and negative (mostly negative) effects of global warming.

Al Gore gets rich(er) and the democrats can raise taxes to (fight it) yea right.....

There is no global warming