> Are there any parts of the world that Climate Change/Global Warming has changed for the better?

Are there any parts of the world that Climate Change/Global Warming has changed for the better?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Perhaps. But even areas which one would expdect to benefit from global warming are in fact suffering. Russia has had killer heat waves.


And Canada is vulnerable to drought.


Of course there is. It is not a 'hoax' as others claim it to be, people who claim it will be good for mankind are ignorant as is anyone who uses a blog as a scientific source, and not all places in the world will be made worse. Global climate change will affect both global and local weather patterns. Jet streams will shift, storm tracks will change, and so on. Some arid regions will receive more rainfall and other rainfall prone regions will receive more droughts. However, more precipitation also equals greater flooding in some regions. In a warming planet things termed 'natural variation' will change, such as the ENSO cycle becoming more powerful, and weather will be affected on large scales. Some good, some bad.

Yes, where I was born In South Dakota. It was once covered with ice. Now it is very productive farmland.

Chicago was once covered with ice.


"Global warming" is a hoax, and climate changes occurs naturally as the seasons change.

No. it worse

Many deserts are receding


I've noticed weather has been a little cooky here in the United States as of late. Are there parts of the world where global warming has created more favorable or tolerable weather conditions? I find it hard to believe that the entire world has been negatively impacted by climate change.