> Deniers and Conspiracies?

Deniers and Conspiracies?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
As I have followed the discussions on this forum for the past couple of years,I find myself saddened by the number of people that refuse to open their eyes to the facts available to them on the subject of climate change and the seriousness of the problem if left unchecked.

I truly hope that they are not representative of the general population because if they are our grandchildren have a bleak future.

I thank people like yourself for the questions and answers that give this forum some kind of legitimacy.I only hope that the lies,half truths and conspiracy theories don't cause innocent people to stumble.

I'm not too sure about this one, but I'll give it a punt. As I have followed the discussions on this forum for the past couple of years,I find myself saddened by the number of people that refuse to open their eyes to the facts a Well Gringo, I hope this answers your question!

I don't have a problem with you giving an honest answer to my question Gringo. It's your stupid analogies that gets you blocked. The question is about how the monetary elites have been scamming almost every country with "fractional reserve lending". What good is to throw money at a problem like Global Warming when we don’t have any? They are killing us with interest on our debt.

The point of my question is to help people understand our monetary system and where it came from. The rich that everyone talks about have been robbing us for centuries and people have a hard time understanding it. It isn’t the oil companies. I’m only asking that people watch the YouTube video. It will help people understand why almost every country in the world is in debt.

Charging interest use to be against the law. It was called “Usury”. Since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was enacted, our Government seems to think it can keep borrowing money at interest. When that interest is compounded daily over years and years, then it tends to take away from more pressing and more important issues like science. It’s important for our Government to explore the sciences.

The bottom line to my question is that we need to get our financial house in order first before we can tackle the “Climate Change” issue. In my opinion we need to dissolve our Federal Reserve Banking System and start printing our own money as does most every other country in the world and do away with fractional reserve lending. Bill Still explains it in the video and has been explaining it for almost 30 years. "The Money Masters" is his best work and thoroughly explains our monetary system. You can find the full version of that documentary on YouTube.

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 is where income taxes came from. Something had to secure our national debt and the interest. Income taxes are said to be illegal and may have not been passed by the 2/3rds margin needed. That's another story though. Our monetary system needs to be run by our government and not an independent source. The Federal Reserve has stockholders. We need to get rid of them. Period.

P.S. I'm a carpenter and believe our Government borrowing and securing housing loans (through Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac) has screwed up many lives in the industry. Charging interest needs to be abolished in many circumstances. Very minimal in all others.

Additional details: (for the blind old man)

There's nothing dilusional about the facts concerning our monetary system Gringo.

Yes, I see that Pat has banned me since I answered his question too. Until reading his ramblings in that question, I had not realized he was that much of a conspiracy theorist. Almost all of the regular deniers in here are conspiracy theorists of one type or another. Ottawa Mike thinks that every new data set is created with the intent of raising present temperatures and lowering past ones. Jim z believes that anyone that accepts the scientific evidence for climate change is a communist, socialist, statist or some other variation of that. John believes that HAARP is used to control the weather. Every one of them thinks that there is a conspiracy between scientists and governments to control them.

To be a denier requires some combination of scientific illiteracy, poor logic skills, dishonesty and paranoia/belief in conspiracies.

The National Park Service is part of the Department of the Interior, which also includes the:

?Bureau of Indian Affairs

?Bureau of Land Management

?Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

?Bureau of Reclamation

?Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement

?Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Enforcement

?U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

?U.S. Geological Survey

Except for the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, I deal will every one of these agencies on a regular basis (today I met with two tribal governors, a director of a national park, and was wind blown on BLM land for 6 hours). After dealing with the DOI and its various parts thousands of times - I can state with absolute certainty that the UN has never been mentioned by anyone - ever.

Furthermore, the DOI's particular flock of entities are the most fiefdom-like and stubbornly provincial lovers of their own power in the whole Goddamn US government.The UN couldn't get the agency Directors to agree to a meeting at the same time, let alone actually get them to do anything.


Jungle Jim --

Yeah, you're right; but, the really funny thing is that if the UN could actually control this herd of cats, it would be an improvement.

One of the more outlandish conspiracy theories is the denialist conspiracy theory to the effect that global warming is about taxes. What taxes? Where was the tax passed by the Swedish Parliament, the year after Svante Arrhenius published his findings?

The U. S. withdrew from Kyoto and did not pass cap and trade.

I believe that what Pat and many other denial industry puppets suffer from is the inability to accept any evidence that would contradict their own viewpoints. Their opinions are far more important to them. Anything they can find to support their opinions, no matter how contradictory to the reality, is all that they need to reinforce their own opinions. They are not looking for truth. They are only looking for anything that could be seen as a justification for their own thoughts. ... Tell them anything they wish to hear and they will cling to it as if there is no greater truth to be found. .... One is incapable of learning when their own beliefs are held by them as being far greater than reality itself. They have trapped their minds to the confines of a small, impenetrable box. Let there be no light that may show the way out of their self constructed box.

Quote by Ottmar Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy...Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization...One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore."

Who is in charge of this 'redistribution'. The IMF. Enough said?

Global warming happens. 100%, no question. Global cooling happens. 100%, no question. In the last 100,000 years there has been roughly 10 Ice Ages. As much as many people would like everyone to think humans can be a huge cause of global warming, they can't. In the 1970's we were told a new ice age was coming and there was nothing we could do about it. Now some people say that Oklahoma will be beach front property because of human caused global warming. Wrong. The simple truth is that the earth will have an Ice Age about every 10,000 years and there is nothing we can do to stop it, or hurry it along or slow it down. There is another truth that people don't like to think about, one day humans will cease to populate the earth. We will die out. It will be caused by outside sources, or internal sources from earth, that we have no control over.

If you slow down and think about it, you will come to the same conclusion. There's no way around it.

No one can pull off a conspiracy without sufficient numbers of people easily duped so this is obviously not a good section of YA to discuss this issue.

EDIT FOR PAT correct except for 1 detail. Most other countries DON'T have public central banks, they're all private central banks except for 3, which are Iran, Syria and Korea (good coincidence eh)

In Pat's latest question (from which anyone posting an answer he did not like has now been banned, or so it seems), he once again argues that Global Warming is nothing but a giant conspiracy run by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.

If that weren't enough, he now also claims that US National Parks now fall under UN jurisdiction, a claim for which he provides no source despite him copy-pasting the person who originally wrote that. That turns out to be a James Lundeen who was quoted by the Tetrahedron Publishing Group (http://www.tetrahedron.org/articles/new_world_order/Rockefeller_UN_National_Parks.html) of which Len Horowitz is a co-founder. Horowitz himself is not shy of conspiracy theories either. He believes that HIV was designed by the US military and is a regular speaker at the annual Conspiracy Con convention (which, as you guessed, is about conspiracies).

But Len Horowitz isn't the original source of the US National Parks claim. That appears to be the Living Truth Ministries run by Texe Marrs whose website (http://www.texemarrs.com/) too is loaded (or perhaps overloaded) with a wide variety of conspiracy theories ("The Ruling Elite - The Zionist Seizure of World Power", "Die America Die―The Illuminati Plan to Murder America, Confiscate Its Wealth, and Make Red China Leader of the New World Order" and my personal favorite "Newt Gingrich is a closet Marxist and member of the occultic secret society known as the Bohemian Grove").

This all begs the question: is it really just a coincidence that deniers like Pat believe in a wide range of wild conspiracies as some here argue?

I think he is too stupid to comprehend most of the denialist conspiracy theory garbage he copy/pastes here.

I was blocked by him for giving these two links to that "ultimate question" of his (or maybe it was my brief comment that black helicopters are not discussed therein):

Oh come on.....you would be paranoid too if reptilians in black helicopters were stalking you

I think it pathetically funny this global economic conspiracy about climate change - just keep chanting :

- futures trading of water, food , electricity , exchange rates , mortgage interest rates, transport costs, environmental externalities except GHG emissions etc etc ......GOOD and fundamental to glorious capitalism

- futures trading of GHG emissions .....BAD and part of a global socialist plot to destroy democracy

It seems that economists in the denier industry have discovered that "carbon trading" is a no risk , profit guaranteed investment. I guess we can judge their sincerity by whether they invest their retirement savings in the worlds only no risk investment

The claims about UN control of Yosemite etc are just too silly for words - another example of crank magnetism

@ Gary F "After dealing with the DOI and its various parts thousands of times - I can state with absolute certainty that the UN has never been mentioned by anyone - ever"

The problem is , Gary , the paranoid conspiracy nutters will take that as proof of a conspiracy : "see - they are not allowed to talk about it. Hah - gotcha!!! "


***** is a government agent paid to monitor the truth seekers and our Twitter accounts then post our activities on YA in an effort to discredit us.

WTF...when I finished typing that sentence my web cam turned itself on??????

EDIT: Weren't you the one who told me that Stephan Lewandowsky UNPUBLISHED study was scientifically sound and was published? Anyways, I guess some some deniers are conspiracy theorists. I'm sure some alarmists are too. By the chorus of "Oh, you're just paid by Big Oil" every time a skeptical scientist opens their mouth, I'm sure of it.

Pffft. I was blocked before I was even allowed to answer. And then deniers have the audacity to complain about censorship?

Quotes by Sagebrush (a self proclaimed Christian and ardent AGW denier) :

"Execute all those who voted for OBAMA"

"Hire the handicapped, they are fun to watch!

Let me know if you think this guy is "CONSPIRACY" theorist.

Alarmists often believe in wacko theories involving Haliburtin, Cheney, and Exxon Mobile?

We went to war for oil.

Chem trails,

Conspiracies of oil companies to drive up prices.

yada yada yada

Your attempt to smear all skeptics as deranged conspiracy theorists failed.

We have nuts, cranks, and extremists on both sides, so what

AWG Climate change is a fraud.