> WHAT is "climate change"?

WHAT is "climate change"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It is all politics, if global warming was true it would probably benefit the Earth and mankind, CO2 is already greening our planet, and helping deserts recede, it is a usefull tool for governments to become stronger and have more control, and for the UN who wishes for world govenment.

What a better way to control every aspect of one's life than to declare a trace gas that is an essential necessity for nearly every living thing on earth as a pollutant.

Climates have always changed and always will change. This hysteria is nothing more than a straw man to push a political agenda. The same agenda that they are trying to push with global warming they tried to push with global cooling in the 70s.

Well, there's a few points I'd make.

CO2 is a greenhouse gas that prevents some heat escaping from our planet into space. Fossil fuels have been buried underground for millions of years so the carbon in those fuels has played no active role in our environment for millions of years. When we dig them up and burn them, we add additional CO2 to the atmosphere that would not have been present had we not burnt the fuels. And since we know CO2 is a greenhouse gas it means, according to the laws of physics, our planet must warm.

Now, for all the talk and handwaving dismissal by other answerers, the fact remains that no one has shown why the laws of physics are wrong in this one particular case. People can argue that 'climates have changed' but that's totally irrelevant. The question isn't whether natural factors affect our climate, the question is how will this additional factor (that we're responsible for) change what would otherwise have happened! For all the talk and handwaving dismissal no one has been able to show that the climate 'variation' we've observed can be explained on the basis of these 'natural factors'. In fact, when scientists try to explain it, they fail unless they include the effect of our greenhouse gas emissions. Science doesn't care what you think or believe or really really really want to be true, it operates on the basis of what you can and cannot explain.

Every scientific organisation representing climatologists accepts AGW. Every organisation representing the geosciences in general accepts AGW. And every national academy of science across the globe accepts AGW. Now what, exactly, is the point of us educating scientists in scientific fields if we're simply going to say 'I don't believe them' based on no training, no experience, no education, and no research? That's utterly idiotic.

Now, as I said, this isn't confined to the good old US of A. This is something the global scientific community are telling us. Why would scientists in the UK or Japan or South Korea care one iota about what Obama thinks before supporting AGW?

So you're left with three options:

1. The global scientific community are entirely made up of liberals who want to push through some eco-agenda and are lying to us. If you believe this then a) show proof that all scientists vote democrat, liberal or whatever the name of the party is in their respective countries and b) show proof that they're lying to us.

2. The global scientific community are genuine but have reached the wrong conclusion. If you believe this then kindly explain why you think you know more about the climate than the people who study the climate for years?

3. The global scientific community are explaining what they believe is the case based on the current state of evidence and scientific understanding. This, to me, is the only explanation that makes any sense.

So no. It's not some ploy by people in Europe, for example, to get Americans to pay more tax to their government. It's not some ploy to control people ... when was the last time scientists all stood outside polling stations, looking menacing and intimidating would-be voters. It's not some ploy for them to get lots of money ... when was the last time you saw scientists flying around the globe in their private jets, dating supermodels, and buying a fleet of expensive Italian sportscars? What about the oil tycoons?

Which is more likely? Multi-national companies with billion dollar profits who have been shown to make massive political donations (for no benefit? really?) don't want you to believe their product is responsible for climate change? Or, scientists on modest salaries working in universities educating students and conducting research are lying to us for the hell of it?

Volcanic eruptions release gases and particulates into the atmosphere and life affects climate through its role in the carbon and water cycles.

So, Obammy was in secret control of the world in 1993? That's a new one to me.

Wow if you aren't a new conspiracy denier wannabe who knows nothing about GW/climate change http://environment.nationalgeographic.co...

It seems that "climate change" is nothing more than fear mongering to gain total control over the people, as well as Obama cares plan.

This would two great tools to gain total control and power over every ones life.

This would be a great plan for the progressive liberal socialists.

Even if you believe that America can control the climate of the world who will decide what area will get the rain, the snow, the sunshine, the heat, the cold, the wing, or the storms This may be a bigger project than America can afford to pay for. Great concept, but only a fool would believe this.