> What percentage of anti-science deniers / dupes would you estimate have ever looked at an actual IPCC report?

What percentage of anti-science deniers / dupes would you estimate have ever looked at an actual IPCC report?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
This question was posed by our on site intellectual blocking person. I think it is one that deserves to be answered by those the questioner obviously hurls insults towards.

Who would waste their time reading all of that propaganda when all of their climate models are dead wrong?

They took 73 shots at it and managed to get 100% wrong.


If you want to waste your time reading wrong scientific theories then you could read about "Spontaneous generation" --- at least it's more entertaining.


I have been known to read parts but I have never read a whole one. I tend to read comments in the blogs then check to see if that is what the report actually said. For instance, you might get a blog report saying that the Summary for Policy Makers does not reflect what the scientists actually said. So when people quote the IPCC you need to be careful about which source they are quoting. It is probably never the science part but usually the political part.

Take this as an example:


It's like trying read Obamacare law. I read relevant parts of the IPCC that I comment on. But the IPCC lost all credibility when it endorsed the mann hockey stick graph fraud.

I have spent several hours trying to find out what they say about certain things, but there are so many sections so many pages all written in gobbledegook scientific speak, plus when trying to cross reference, many of the origional sources I cant find, so I gave up, because it would take me a year to fully read and understand

I'd say 100% I doubt they even know how to read

My guess would be less then 3% (pun intended)

As for "intellectual blocking person" I doubt he is blocking you blocking you for your intellect [1], I think it is far more likely he is blocking you because you keep repeating the same lies over and over. [2]

This question was posed by our on site intellectual blocking person. I think it is one that deserves to be answered by those the questioner obviously hurls insults towards.