> What's the current status of global warming?

What's the current status of global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I haven't heard any mention of it in years

It's dead in the water mate.

Not only is it dead scientifically but it's officially not happening, unfortunately nature and the real world let all our alarmist doom mongering friends down.

Sadly it's still going strong in politics as the puppet politicians are loath to give up the chance of taxing carbon and are determined to follow insane policies such as the energy policies which have left Britain on the point of power cuts and running out of gas, pretty crazy when Britain is sitting on 60 years worth of shale gas and the associated industry and employment this would bring.

I thought Global Warming was replaced by “Climate Change”, you know, to fool all us intelligent people and newbies in life into thinking no one ever said anything about Global Warming being that it’s gettin’ colder, not warmer (plus the fraud and bad science is gettin’ too risky for liberals to keep betting their “reputations” on). So which is it? Are we back on Global Warming as the appropriate term for whatever is happening in the minds of liberals now? And what in thee Hell is “research meteorologists”? What’s the diff between r.m. and an m? Is that like what skeptics are to scientists, like, cheap knock offs who wish they were scientists, but too lazy and stupid to actually be scientific? Isn’t there anything better for ScienceDaily aka Physorg to report on? How about why certain pizza’s tastes best? I’d say my fave but since I prob won’t get paid for it, no. Anyways: make up your minds liberals and whatever it is you are, stop going back and forth, you can’t have it both ways. Stop being cowards and get saved before you really do burn up, because the next time you burn, it won’t ever stop, and for many of you, it will much worse than a mere few degrees rise in temperature, and you’ll wish you were floating in a lake or ocean once you end up in Hell.

The Antropogenic Global Warming Hoax (AGWH)? Won't be around much longer. It doesn't get the hype on the evening news much anymore. The tired excuses and contrived data are boring. The decades with no correlation between carbon dioxide and temperature is apparent to the most ignorant of us deniers. We know there are a lot higher priorities for our time and efforts, interesting though the weather may be.


0.75 Celsius rise in temperature in 130 years. That's approximately 0.06 C rise per decade. Global mean temperature rose one whole degree (Celsius) in one year (1997-1998). The cause was found to be natural.

Maximum additional warming that CO2 can produce is 0.3 C. It takes a nuclear physicist to figure it out though. Read here : http://tallbloke.files.wordpress.com/201...

I think it's dying due to lack of evidence. Check the alarmists. They might have an answer. I've read their answers, but it seems they are digging too hard for it. At least I hope they are doing something. We're paying them over $2 billion a year to research it here in the U.S.

Not really sure what these loaded "I haven't head about AGW for years" questions are meant to prove, unless it's people don't list to the news at all.



While AGW is not a fast moving issue, to claim you have seen nothing about is a painfully obvious fib, given the news stories on this very site that deniers are constantly try to make excuses for, it will be laughable to see those same deniers agree with you.

Where have you been?

Current conditions of the global (not regional) warming - warm

Outlook conditions of the global warming - it's gonna get warmer, folks!

We are experiencing GW/climate change as we speak. It is in the news print and mentioned in TV news almost every day. 97% of all climatologists agree that the current acceleration of GW is due to man made emissions of greenhouse gases and the majority of the worlds climate organizations are in agreement with this.


Its in a coma and dying, although the warmists are trying their hardest to keep it alive, as their careers and funding rely on it.

Ignore Hey Dooks comment on reading newspapers, they are full of extreme reporting and sensational news, you wont find facts and common sense there.

I suggest you go to scepticalscience (pro warmers) and wattsupwiththat (anti warmer) and decide for yourself.

Aside from the $Billions of hard-earned taxpayer dollars that our top government employee (Obama) and his lackeys continue to hand out to so-called climate researchers and to wind, solar...etc., for so-called 'Green' energy development, the actual 'hunch' of AGW is pretty much dead in the water.

'Bad Data = Bad Science

I haven't heard any mention of it in years

growth the skin disease

Come out of your cave, learn how to read, and start reading a daily newspaper.


Rumours of the death of AGW have been exagerated.