> How do grazing cattles responsible for globlal warming?

How do grazing cattles responsible for globlal warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
How do burning waste responsible for global warming

Tomcat is right and I would add that methane breaks down in just a few years to you guessed it, CO2. The carbon from the methane came from CO2 taken from the air by the plant in the process of photosynthesis so it doesn't really add to CO2 in the atmosphere. It is a leftist agenda that cattle are bad so it is claimed by the climatechangezealots that cattle produce global warming but it has almost zero science behind it. It is an example of the other substance (BS) that also comes from the backside of bulls

There are 2 ways extensive and intensive cattle grazing contributes to global warming.

1. cattle are ruminants, and produce a lot of methane when they digest food. Methane is a greenhouse gas.

2. In many areas, people are cutting down trees (especially tropical rain forests) to create more places to graze cattle. Trees store carbon, cutting them down releases that carbon, usually (one way or another) as CO2, another greenhouse gas.

Most waste that one might burn is made up of carbon or hydrocarbons. Again, producing CO2.

They are not, In fact it is the opposite, wild grazing herbivores (cows, bison, zebra, wildebeasts, antelopes) help to make grasslands (savannahs, prairies) extract CO2 from the atmosphere, due to the interactions of migrating herbivores, grasslands have some of the deepest most carbon rich fertile soils of all natural habitats, grass grows quickly and annually absorbing CO2, cows convert grass into protein, faeces and urine, and stir up the ground with their hooves, allowing enrichment of the soil with carbon.

Few people know but the worlds soil contains 3.1 times the amount of CO2 that the atmosphere does and agricultural land, that has been tilled is low in carbon content, everytime a field is ploughed its carbon gets released as CO2.

Remember the dust bowl years, thats what happens when free range prairies are tilled for agriculture.

Google "Alan Savory"

Leave the cows alone.

There is NO **man-made** or cow-made Global Warming and there has never been any.

What global warming? It's been cooling for at least 12 years according to HadCrut3 & HadCrut4 is nearly flat. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut...

According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for more than 18 years.

Don't believe everything you read/hear in the downstream media and on the web. Grazing cattle has undeservedly got a bad rap. It has been shown that prudent grazing improves vegetation, prevents erosion, reduces Global Warming (whatever that is), and prevents wild fires (forests and public lands have fewer wild fires when they are grazed to reduce grass tinder and underbrush). Watch Allan Savory's presentation on desertification (see link).


How do burning waste responsible for global warming, burning and rotting do the same thing, burning is just faster.

They're not responsible for anything other than being a tasty source of protein. Man is to blame for all Global Pollution.

Grazing cattle can produce methane gas which is a greenhouse gas like CO2. But I very much doubt that is a significant contribution to the greenhouse effect, even though I believe some people claim it is.

A lot of the big shots say it is.

Quote by Maurice Strong, a wealthy elitist and primary power behind UN throne, and large CO2 producer: "Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class - involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing - are not sustainable."

I think it is because they want all the steak.

Cows = Capitalism and Naomi Klein cant have that for

her communist utopia of forced work and food lines

How do burning waste responsible for global warming

They are not, cattle eat grass and lots of it, grass consumes atmospheric CO2 and lots of it. So cattle are essentially carbon neutral, and that leaves the methane they emit in their digestive processes that could potentially alter the greenhouse process. But atmospheric methane levels have only increased by 50 parts per billion in the last two decades. And that is not enough to cause any measurable change in climate.


They produce methane. Therefore, we better eat them.


I can't explain it any better than that site.

They fart.