> Liberals. Global Warming Doesn't Exist!?

Liberals. Global Warming Doesn't Exist!?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Global warming does exist just as global cooling exists. Humanity's part in the current trend is insignificant.

If the ice caps melted the oceans would rise but the ice caps will take thousands and thousands of years to melt. Humanity will adapt as the effect from the melting ice caps would be so slow it won't be noticeable within any one person's lifetime. AlGore and his 20 feet seal level rise by 2100 is utter BS.

If you think that 2% is an insignificant number, then consider how many trillion trillion trillion gallons of water there are, and then think of how over 71% of the Earths entire surface is water. Also it took a rise of 4oC (just 4oC) to bring us out of a global Ice Age.

Global warming is just the medias adapted term for climate change, and it is scientifically proven that the climate is changing at alarmingly increasing rates. Now is so different because entire forests are disappearing, species are dying and oceans are becoming polluted with plastic bottles and waste all because of the human population. Now is when we have to change to preserve the natural beauty that is all around us, and now is when we have to realise just how big of an impact we have on the world and accept the responsibility for destroying nature.

Is 2% of 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,... a small number?

I won't judge you for your opinion, we're all entitled to one. I'm just stating that your opinion isn't the one backed up by Science and logic.


"The finding that the climate has warmed in recent decades and that human activities are already contributing adversely to global climate change has been endorsed by every national science academy that has issued a statement on climate change, including the science academies of all of the major industrialized countries."



Gee, who to believe? You? ALL of the national science academies of the industrialized countries? That's a tough one. I mean, you're obviously incredibly smart. You probably have a couple PhDs that you're not using. Hmmmm. Sorry, think I'll still go with the 98% of scientists that think global warming is a problem.

MIKE L's amazing wisdom:

They are denying Global cooling -- It's warming now, faster than it has in millions of years.

medevil Warm Period -- well, no, that was real.

The little ice age -- Gee, real too.

the year without Summer -- 1816

all the ice ages -- They happen about every 100,000 years.

They want to say this is the first drought in California -- No, but it is pretty serious.

Sandy was the first Hurricane to hit NYC -- I remember Carol in 1954.

All for taxes. NO, to attempt to reply to stupid lies.

you really have to check your 'facts'. A real skeptic would ask and investigate.

- in the 70s they were debating global cooling: NO, this was mostly media hype, not science.

- explain the bitter cold winter: The US is not the world, and you should look into arctic amplification of jet stream.

- the water won't rise (2% is in the ice caps: It already is and it's not because of ice caps since meting ice that floats on water has little effect. It's about land ice like glaciers and greenland. I take it you do not remember or have taken basic highs chool science

Fourth of all the earth has been warming up since the Ice Age: true, but not as fast as now

why is now so different: the rate of change and that humans are the main cause.

this is not liberal or conservative. Mother nature does not run for office or negotiate.

because the current state of AGW happened in a few hundred years, not a few thousand years CO2 is higher than it has ever been in human history, it is not cooling now (you would have to have a wooden head to believe this), if CO2 goes unchecked we will see a 6-8 foot sea rise by 2100 and likely 200 feet by 2200 it is also safe to say you don't know jack about AGW

Interesting set of statements

I note the "70's consensus" has now become "in the 70s they were debating global cooling"

A little closer to the truth (finally) In the 70's, close to the start of solid research into climate they didn't know for sure what was happening some thought it was cooling (based on the then little understood cooling) that started in the 1940 and stopped only in the 70's. Of course others thought on the longer term data that it was warming due to a buildup in CO2 (even in the 70's) long before Gore or Mann or Hansen.

Which is why they continued to conduct research and gather data almost 20 years later they thought based on the data they had then that we where warming and now almost another 20 years later, the data continues to show that.


Temperature certainly has up's and down's but a look at the overall temperature form the 1970's to today


shows we have quite clearly warmed and sea level rise and Arctic glacial loss only back that up.

Deniers try to counter this with claims about Gore flying to meetings, or his fictional beach-side house, or Hansen attending green rallies that are not really related to AGW, or false claims of how the hockeystick graph has been discredited. They try to re-write history about when people first sailed through the North West Passage, they quote people who have no scientific training or credentials at all, like Watts or Lord Mockingtone.

As for your other sad points "Second of all explain the bitter cold winter."

The U.S. did have a cooler winter, some denier claimed it was the coldest ever, much of this was related to the Eastern half of the country due to an expanded Polar vortex.

The fact that this meant the Arctic was actually warmer than usual, denier's didn't want to talk about, as they also didn't want to talk about the rest of the world.


and even with that "coldest U.S. Winter" it was also a denier fiction taken as an average the country had a near average Winter. (as the first image shows)


Then we have this "Third of all, the water won't rise (2% is in the ice caps"

Oh dear really this is a denier theory, I guess the lack of high school maths makes it harder for you to workout that the worlds oceans are on average 3700m deep, add just 2% to that and you get ~70m which also happens to be near the figure sea level would rise if all glaciers melted and on current estimates sea level will rise 1-2m buy the end of the century which only needs a few percent of glaciers to melt to happen.

And this "Fourth of all the earth has been warming up since the Ice Age, why is now so different?"

Based on what, It's hard not to notice, as with most denier set pieces like this, you back nothing you have said with even the slightest evidence.

The proxy data for temperature shows temperature peaked (for the Holocene) a little less that 8000 years ago and had been slowly declining (with some variation) ever since.


Sea level data supports this with a gradual slowing in the rate of rise over the same period until it all but stopped rising ~2000 years ago.


Sea level is now rising again, at levels not seen in 7000 years, near 4 times the rate it was rising between 7000 & 4000 years ago, do you serious want to try and claim this is 'just' a continuation.

As denier points go, I'm sorry but yours are as laughable as most others.

They are denying Global cooling , medevil Warm Period , The little ice age , the year without Summer , all the ice ages .

They want to say this is the first drought in California , Sandy was the first Hurricane to hit NYC , etc.

All for taxes

You got up early to post this, didn't you?

Global Warming lasted 34 years, Global Warming ended in 2012, but you cant expect out planets season's to return to normal overnight, so have patients, because anything man made against nature and if nature is changed like changing man made climate, then death for all life in and on earth can only come from it. Mike

Thanks for submitting your application, but we currently have no openings for idiots. We will keep your information in our files and contact you if an opening becomes available.

First of all, in the 70s they were debating global cooling. Second of all explain the bitter cold winter. Third of all, the water won't rise (2% is in the ice caps, 2). Fourth of all the earth has been warming up since the Ice Age, why is now so different?

Are you lying or just stupid?