> Why has one of the worlds most eminent climate scientists Lennart Bengtsson defected from the climate alarmist camp to t

Why has one of the worlds most eminent climate scientists Lennart Bengtsson defected from the climate alarmist camp to t

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

From your link :

" ... The relationship between greenhouse gases and global warming was “complex and only partially understood,” Bengtsson wrote in a commentary for the Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung.

Apart from that, all empirical observations showed that global warming has been “no serious problem up to now.” How the climate would develop in the future only model simulations could show, and these were rather “problematic”.

Nothing is settled

Bengtsson’s conclusion: “It would be wrong to conclude from the IPCC report and similar reports that the science is settled.” Against this background, so the professor, it would be wrong to undertake any energy transition hastily.

Bengtsson’s arguments do not sound like the radicalism of old age. Rather, he exhorts his colleagues to be more prudent and empirical. For the uninitiated, this approach may be comforting, because the climate debate has long been a highly complex issue. Now, for the first time, an expert like Bengtsson admits that he and others like him fare little better: how the world’s climate will develop in coming years and decades remains pure speculation. ... "

He speaks the truth and they still cry "FOUL!".

Good to see but it seems like it's mostly the older scientists (who have nothing to lose) who are turning, or just admitting, to skepticism. Hopefully it will encourage other scientists to speak out but I feel there is too much money involved at this point. . .

Yes retired now, seems only Judith Curry had the guts to risk her career.

It just shows, those 75 scientists were under threat.
