> I heard that Obama in his speech to the UN said this last Summer was the hottest on record, where is he getting this fro

I heard that Obama in his speech to the UN said this last Summer was the hottest on record, where is he getting this fro

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Bernie Sanders made that claim also.

ALL you young grasshoppers out there--HISTORY (BEFORE you were born) shows the summers of 1935 and 1936 REMAIN the hottest in recent history. (since records started being kept).

ALSO--there were 5 (five) ice ages with the coldest bringing a glacier to southern Iowa. It melted. The other 4 melted. There were no cattle farting, no factories smoking, no automobiles spewing, no people blowing hot air, and NO dam stupid idiots bitching about man made global warming because man made climate change is bull siht.

Tell me, can we make it rain? can we stop rain? can we make it snow? can we stop snow? can we make a hurricane? can we stop a hurricane? can we stop wind? can we put out fires in CA buy producing precipitation?? HELL NO. If we cannot make little changes, htf can we make big changes?


Man made climate change idiots are all about control. They are all liberals who jet around the world creating more dam carbon dioxide than they are worth.

It looks like they got this from the NCDC. The UAH and RSS data certianly does ot bear this out, and the average of all the sources does not either.

I am not sure I would say that Obama is lying over this, but it is stretching the truth.

What is really sad it that Stubby answer your question with an article about Google saying AGW is happening. As if Google should have anything to say about AGW at all. I know a proctologist that says all politician are *******. He is certainly more of an expert on the subject.

Not from NASA Gistemp, which shows plenty of warmer summers, and nothing even close to 1998. Given the difference and that GISS tends to be running a little hotter, I'd be surprised if there was another dataset that showed this summer to be the warmest.

Of all the lies Obama made, that is one you are focusing on? Just kidding. That was a whopper too. You see, when Obama stated it, that is when it became so. You won't see CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and maybe not even Fox question it sadly. Curious journalists only occur when Republicans are president.

That claim is pure silliness. Just like the claim of hot winters in Europe. I have a friend in the UK, and she tells me that N. Europe had seen exceptionally cold winters lately.

He may have been talking about US temperatures. But wasn't 2012 the hottest Summer in the US?

The polls says his popularity is at it's lowest since he became president so yes, last summer was really hot for Obama.

From the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (ie NASA) and the Japan Meteorological Agency. i.e., the people who measure atmospheric heat.


I asked my magic 8 ball phone app if it was and it said "Oulook Good."

Probably his research staff.


Bernie Sanders made that claim also.

Scientists who don't receive money from the Koch Bros

Yahoo needs to do what Google now does:

Google will stop supporting climate change science deniers, calls them liars


I believe that Obama's past, heavy drug use is responsible for hallucinating.

He is making it up