> Should people be imprisoned for disagreeing with global warming?

Should people be imprisoned for disagreeing with global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
He should be imprisoned for his complete stupidity.

This hypocrite would use a lot of C02 living in his nice mansion and also flies around in his personal jet.

By the way there are many scientists that believe climate change isn't man made.

How about there's a law that politicians that betray their constituents be thrown in jail, i'd like to see that, all of Congress would be locked up.

He said that the Koch brothers should be jailed for treason.

If your intention is to attack someone's integrity, it is more meaningful to do so without flat out lying as you did. Why do you choose to lie as you do?

He did say that politicians who do the Koch brothers' bidding are contemptible human beings. His accusation is that the Koch brothers propagandize the populace to distract from what scientists are unified on to increase their own wealth at the expense of future generations, and that politicians who do the Koch brothers' bidding do so for their money.

One can say they don't believe the scientific consensus, but that only means that one has not read the research that is published monthly in the many science journals. But to say there is no consensus is dishonest.

Kennedy Jr. accused skeptical politicians of “selling out the public trust.” “Those guys are doing the Koch Brothers bidding and are against all the evidence of the rational mind, saying global warming does not exit. They are contemptible human beings. I wish there were a law you could punish them with. I don’t think there is a law that you can punish those politicians under.”

Hmm, a bit of a different context, namely that Politicians who betray the public should be punished.

Is that not a wrong in your mind?

The vast scientific illiteracy and politically radical paranoid conspiracy beliefs that are the basis of AGW denial should be exposed - and every Denier bogus claim, lie, and act of criminal defamation should be instantly and relentlessly attacked until Deniers assume their rightful place in society's Freak Show along with the Reptilian, Alien, Illuminati, moon landing, 9-11, and other featured exhibits.

It raises a good question. We hope that the truth wins out in the end, but what about people who spend a lot of money to promote a lie and cause serious damage?

Robert Kennedy is just a buffoon, a Kennedy, and buffoon. What is amazing is that people actually care what he thinks. He is the son of a buffoon who was the son of a murderous crook. It runs in the family. Most leftists like to think Kennedys are like gods and that show how gullible and stupid a sizable majority of them are.


Just because RFK Jr. is a kook, doesn't mean that everyone who accepts AGW is a kook. Just because Maxx and Sagebrush call for people like me to be imprisoned also doesn't mean the everyone who questions AGW is like them.

"Should Nixon have been jailed for not listening to Steven Schneider's global cooling warnings? "

Whatevers, last I heard, politicians were people too. Ha! Ha!

Of course that is the greenie mantra. Steam roller anyone who gets in your way. Don't pay any attention to science. Don't pay any attention to true scientists. Deny the facts. Make people feel guilty for living. Who cares what are Constitution says. It is only the elite who are worthy of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The rest of you freeze and grovel for your food. Then Bobby jumps in his CO2 spewing jet and takes off.

No, but scientific fraud should be punishable by a long prison term.....in the general population of a max-security institution.

Do you agree with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (democrat) on this?

He says that people who question man-made climate change should be imprisoned - and calls them "contemptible human beings."

that or fined

Yahoo needs to do what Google now does:

Google will stop supporting climate change science deniers, calls them liars


Yes, along with trolls.

Will his minions be wearing black shirts or brown ones?

Bob says a lot of things that make no earthly sense.
