> Why do the environmentalists heed Jimmy Hansen when he has no Climate Science degree?

Why do the environmentalists heed Jimmy Hansen when he has no Climate Science degree?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
This business about warmists and qualifications makes me laugh. They contradict themselves at every step and I don't think they know they are doing it. Cognitive dissonance is a way of life for some people.

The contradictions include:

There are not many climate scientists in the world with better qualifications than Richard Lindzen (If there is one I hope someone will mention him or her.) but he doesn't understand the climate.

Scientists are all honest seekers after truth and cannot be swayed by mere money but this scientist was bought.

Only people with degrees in climatology can comment on climate change but this geologist and this mathematician know a thing or two.

Newton was a genius by Spencer believes in God.

Engineers know nothing but Bill Nye is certainly clued up.

Politicians like Jim Inhofe know jack but Big Al is a revered expert.

Basically, according to warmists, the rule is, if you are "on message" you are suitably qualified. If you are "off message" then your opinion is worthless. This is but one of the many reasons that I can't take them seriously.

Hanson has a PhD in physics. His thesis was on the atmosphere of Venus and his early post-grad career was in studying the atmosphere of Venus -- and that is where we learned much about how atmosphere create climate.

I doubt that a Climate Science PhD program existed anywhere at the time Hanson was in school. The discipline is a combination of physics, astronomy, and other related sciences.

Most climate scientists don't have degrees that say "Climate Science", but he has been a climate scientist his entire career.

I did my Ph.D. in climate science, but the degree says "Earth Sciences" on it. Being a climate scientist is about the work you do, not what your degree says. Climate scientists may have degrees in physics, chemistry, meteorology, oceanography, biology, geography, statistics and even economics.

Svante Arrhenius was a chemist. Guy Calendar was a mechanical engineer.

Oh! Yeah! Those guys were just made up by Al Gore. A video of a graph taped to a see-saw proves it.

Because he is an activist who supports their agenda. However, they have started to find him a bit inconvenient as he argues for nuclear power, and also admits to a pause.

Simple - He tells people what they want to hear, he preaches to them what they already believe, he re-enforced their political values. This is why they follow Algore as well.