> Why don't liberal climatologists realize that it snowed last winter so global warming is fake?

Why don't liberal climatologists realize that it snowed last winter so global warming is fake?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
> It's called global WARMING!

+ It can't be warm when it snows

= Global warming is fake

Checkmate libs!


The sound of sarcasm going over alarmist heads.

Seriously, do you people not have any Jewish friends?

That is pretty flimsy evidence. I don't think many skeptics think that snow proves AGW is fake.

Anon. Piltdown was a hoax. Lucy, Australopithecus afarensis, was certainly a real ape and we might even have some in our ancestry or something closely related. The ancestor of Lucy was probably something like Ardipithecus. Other apes preceded them. Do you really believe that people are faking these fossils to confuse you?

I think because both liberal and conservative climatologists are smarter than that. Take, for example, your statement:

"It can't be warm when it snows."

You do realize that is a silly argument, don't you? Certainly it's cold when it snows, but it may be warmer than normal. It only needs to be about 32 F to snow (actually in certain circumstances it can be much warmer than that). For some places, 32 might be WARMER than normal--even much warmer.

It's hard to tell whether you are as dumb as you appear, or are just making fun of conservatives.

Actually it often snows more when it is warmer, take the lake snow effect, the lakes provide warmth and moisture to the atmosphere, in winter that moisture is converted into snow, also places like Greenland have more snow during warm periods.

It is only in marginal cold places, that snow is a sign of cold.

Liberals know that man-made Global Warming is fake, but how are they going to tax us into poverty without pushing this scam?

There is NO **man-made** Global Warming and there has never been any.

And it's been cooling for at least 12 years according to HadCrut3 & 4.


According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for almost 18 year.

The Boston Red Sox lost a game last season, so their winning the World Series is fake. Only liberal baseballologists who believe in education try to claim otherwise. What wonderful insights follow from this very original "question" here.

Anonymous –

>>Same reason these so called "Scientists" ignore the fact that lucy and piltdownman were obvious hoaxes; yet they still tout their evolution nonsense. Liberals are illogical, and 99.99% of the time wrong.<<

Let me guess: You rely on western trained physicians and medical science (which can only be true if evolution is true) for your health care. That makes you a hypocrite who professes faith in his God, but who shows his true belief when he rejects his God and places his trust - and his life - in the hands of evolutionist doctors.

You obviously do not know the difference between climate and weather. The difference between weather and climate is a measure of time. Weather is what conditions of the atmosphere are over a short period of time, and climate is how the atmosphere "behaves" over relatively long periods of time. Plus when we talk about climate change, we are not talking about one location but rather "global temperatures" and if you can't understand that concept than there is no hope for you. I know intellect in an elitist flaw.

Things liberal "climatologists" keep proving they do not realize:

> Getting ALMOST as warm as it used to be might not kill us all off.

> Cause does not FOLLOW effect.

> Predictions being proved false indicate a PROBLEM with your theory and do not constitute proof you're exactly right.

> People making CORRECT predictions might not be lying stupid hacks.

"liberal climatologists" LOL

only a conservative thinks there's liberal or conservative science

That's one of the reasons why i think deniers are total fools

> It's called global WARMING!

+ It can't be warm when it snows

= Global warming is fake

Checkmate libs!

Same reason these so called "Scientists" ignore the fact that lucy and piltdownman were obvious hoaxes; yet they still tout their evolution nonsense. Liberals are illogical, and 99.99% of the time wrong.

"liberal climatologists" LOL

only a conservative thinks there's liberal or conservative science

That's one of the reasons why i think deniers are total fools

Damn you got us. Anonymous also makes a good point about evolution. Science is a farce!

Conservatives claim global warming is a lie, and then show their ignorance of the predictions of global warming. I want my scientists telling me about the realities of science, not my political ideologues.

This is such a stupid question, I don't know if you're serious or sarcastic.

Damn you got us. Anonymous also makes a good point about evolution. Science is a farce!

Good question

It gives them something to complain about. They cant change it.

And the world is flat.

liberals dont use science

or empirical evidence

You really are that stupid