> Is everything blamed for global warming????

Is everything blamed for global warming????

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Global Warming doesn't actually exist.

2014 was colder than 2013 and there is more ice on the ice caps now than there ever has been in recorded history.

All these greenhouse gases aren't created by humans.

There is around one volcanic eruption every day. A big volcano eruption creates more Co2 than humans can in 100 years.

The second largest producer of CO2 is cow farts. Not joking!

All of this was told to me by a 1st class oxford physics graduate

It's hard to get any reliable climate change data and facts on the internet. However, you should refer to NASA's climate change website and read up on their actual facts.

If you don' think that humans are responsible for global warming, you're crazy.

Have you even seen the smog in China? People can't breathe.

If it was't for a water barrier system, the Netherlands would be flooded by rising sea levels.

2014 will be the hottest year we have ever recorded.

Ocean Levels are RISING!

It's hard to blame scientifically ignorant people on global warming.

Global warming is not responsible for any self induced ignorance. A self induced ignorance is self sustaining and does not rely on any outside influences. There truly is no substitute for a self induced ignorance.


"I looked it up...." Where? What scientist says that? Don't confuse the press, and what they say the scientists say, with what the scientist actually do say.

no. supply a reference for your claim.

I looked it up and scientists are blaming humans, squirrels, cows, cars, beavers, dinosaurs, guns[seriously], elephants, an billions of others. This is getting ridiculous."Global warming" is also getting blamed for every bad thing that happens. Im pretty sue this whole thing is extremely fishy.