> Difference between global warming and greenhouse effect?

Difference between global warming and greenhouse effect?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The greenhouse effect is the warming of the planet that comes from certain gases in the atmosphere absorbing longwave radiation from the Earth and sending some of that energy back toward the planet. The greenhouse effect keeps the Earth warm enough for liquid water to exist, without it the Earth would be a giant snowball.

Man-made global warming is caused by humans increasing those particular gases in the atmosphere. Humans have increased CO2 by about 40% Increase the greenhouse gases-->increase the greenhouse effect-->increase the temperature

EDIT: Kano doesn't attempt to answer, but instead plays semantic games. The greenhouse effect is inaccurately named, but that doesn't make it any less real. Some people have suggested trying to rename it the "atmosphere effect", but there is little popular support for that.

The greenhouse effect is a misnomer, the whole phrase is wrong, we once thought that greenhouses were warm because glass lets in shortwave radiation (solar sunlight) and prevents the emission of longer wave radiation (heat).

We now know this is wrong, greenhouses work by letting in suns rays and prevent cooling by preventing convection, but the phrase stuck and it is to late to change it now ( a bit like the whole global warming preposition)

The greenhouse effect is the popular term describing the effect of radiatively active gasses (greenhouse gasses) in the atmosphere. It is these gasses that maintain the Earth's temperature at a higher level than it would have been in their absence. Without them we would be in a permanent ice age!

Global Warming is, in most peoples understanding, the result of our increasing the levels of these gasses in the atmosphere; this enhancing the greenhouse effect and causing the planet to increase its temperature.


Greenhouse Effect is the result of some atmospheric gases that absorb infrared radiation. Common greenhouse gases are water vapor, CO2 and methane. Global Warming 'theory' says that human emissions of CO2 is causing so called 'Global Warming' -- but the fact is CO2 levels are currently at their highest levels in thousands of years (according to Alarmists) --- YET the globe is NOT warming.

So much of man-made Global Warming theory.

There is NO **man-made** Global Warming and there has never been any.

What global warming? It's been cooling for at least 12 years according to HadCrut3 & HadCrut4 is nearly flat. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut...

According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for more than 18 years.

The greenhouse effect is the casue -- global warming is the effect.