> "Despite what we might be hearing in industry spin, the environmental report released by the State Department Frida

"Despite what we might be hearing in industry spin, the environmental report released by the State Department Frida

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The Saudis are already peed at us because we are glutting the market with oil which has dropped it's price already. Their goal is to see it at $100+ /barrel. Our oil cost a little more because we have to pump it out. Iran for example has virgin wells, all they have to do is drill a hole and it squirts out of the hole. Their oil costs only about $6-$12 to reap. Iraq has to pump some wells costing them about $24/barrel to produce.

Canadian tar sand is very expensive to produce (about $50 to$60/barrel) but there is still room for profit.

The bottom line is all the new found oil is decreasing it's value. Some companies are having 2nd thoughts about fracking because it costs from $70 to$100/ barrel. Whatever the reason I hope we get off of fossil fuel it is creating havoc with the weather. Supposedly the keystone pipeline will produce more carbon pollution than any other of the sources. Let's stop beating this horse to death and move on to renewable sources. It will certainly produce more jobs than the current plan.

he stated purpose of Keystone is to carry tar sands oil from Canada to American refineries. Tar sands oil didn't become profitable until World prices topped $80/bbl. With domestic American oil selling below $75, who's going to want to use Keystone? I sure don't want to be a party to loan gjuarantees on that project.

Reading between the lines, there seems to be the belief that if the oil is not pipelined across the US then it will remain in the ground and not cause any pollution.

My guess is that they will put it on a boat instead and ship it elsewhere.

The only thing that will reduce tar sand oil is a big drop in oil prices, or a revolutionary new energy source, because eventually all that tar sand oil will be used or exported somewhere, if not by pipeline to the U.S. then by sea tankers to somewhere else.

Obama lied about approving the Keystone Pipeline. Four years later, he has still not approved it.

The feds need to butt out. They have stalled and lied and stalled in order to get campaign donations and you talk about conservatives wanting $. Frankly I would favor gas exploration and utilization since that is in the US. We don't need Canada's oil but it is still better than getting it elsewhere and it is good for Canada and good for us. You apparently prefer that it gets shipped to China. I guess in alarmist minds, it is only bad if the US uses is.

OPEC oil is not green. OPEC nations flare enough natural gas to meet the needs of Germany and France.


Building Keystone XL will not stop wind power and stopping it will not stop people from driving gas guzzlers. They will just get their oil by rail


or from overseas.


in the next few years, another president might approve.

i think it is now time to make it illegal to be an anti-science climate change denier

i dont think much

So even though the State Department continues to downplay clear evidence that the

Keystone XL pipeline would lead to tar sands expansion and significantly worsen carbon pollution and the very real harm to our health, it has, for the first time, acknowledged that the proposed project could accelerate climate change."

You'll remember that the president said he won't greenlight a project that raises the dangers of climate change. The State Department report makes it clear that this is exactly what Keystone XL would do. Bottom line: the tar sands pipeline fails the president's climate test. It's a bad idea. It needs to be denied…

We need to stop approving dirty energy acknowledged that the proposed project could accelerate climate change."

But the Cons see $ and nothing stops cons from making money, even the poisoning of the Earth.

What do you think?