> Are the jews responsible for global warming?

Are the jews responsible for global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No more then the followers of any other organized religion.

The only global warming jewish people caused was when their bodies were burned by the piles back in holocaust times. The fact that israel is buying land might be to build temples, perhaps for mission trips, and to have places to send their people if the muslims attack Israel.

That is a myth. The Jews do not cause Global warming.

No. The idea of blaming Jews for everything is SO 20th century ...

I say Mickey, that's something I've also considered No! I don't believe in it. I hope this answers your question.

There is no logical or scientific evidence for such an assumption

Well, tempting as it is to make a snide comment, the reality is, that even God's chosen have no influence upon the weather

JimZ could probably find out, by digging deep into the earth's mantle of abiotic oil known only to the most brilliant of Soviet-trained "geologists". Tough work, but Billy could help.


I thought the Swedes were. Man I hate the Swedes. And don't get me started on the Swiss. Neutral my ***. And really, do you think that knife is going to help you win any war?

"Gaaa, I see a drone headed right for us. Quick, get out the corkscrew."

Total BS.

could there be a zionist plot to raise the worlds temperature causing the ice caps to melt thereby creating new shore lines around the world. i heard that jews and jewish and israeli companys are buying up land twenty miles or so inland around the world, also they are buying realestate in high lying areas. and they will never give up the golan heights.

muslims cause more global warming than the jews. Muslims are always causing pollution by blowing things up. But you will have some radical global warmist claim that their pollution is offset because the people they murder with the bombs are no longer creating a carbon footprint.

In part, because everyone is contributing to it.

not all cows are Jews .. so full marks to Angie

I thought cow farts were responsible.

Probably, check skepticalscience.com for confirmation.

No! I don't believe in it.


You Idiot

No, but their god is in control of the temperature.