> Is the tragic Philippine Haiyan Typhoon being used by Alarmist to promote their heartless political agenda?

Is the tragic Philippine Haiyan Typhoon being used by Alarmist to promote their heartless political agenda?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It will of course be used by alarmists. Weather is weather until an alarmist says it's climate and big tropical storms fit the CAGW narrative perfectly.

I don't know if I would call the alarmist political agenda "heartless". I do think their beliefs are detrimental to the benefits of humanity and will lead to many unintended deaths in third world countries which would benefit from industrialization. Dirty water will kill more people than man made CO2 will, even if man was responsible for the supposedly slight warming since 1900.

Even though the agenda of the alarmists will lead to the deaths of perhaps millions, I don't think they have bad intentions. Most of them really believe that CO2 will destroy the Earth. They aren't intentionally cruel. They are merely naive, moronic brain dead sheep that swallow anything that politicians and the MSM tell them to believe.

If Al Gore had told them that CO2 leads to a decrease in temperatures, Michael Mann hadn't tried to hide the Medial Warm period, and James Hansen had manipulated temperatures in a way that supported Catastrophic Anthropocentric Global Cooling (adjust early temperatures upward and recent temperatures downward), then that is what they would believe in.

Gullible morons yes. Heartless no.

Something happened a long time ago in the Philippines, and people might not want to talk about it. The Philippines were originally under the heel of the Japanese. And they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, we will serve you if you will get us free from the Japanese. And so, the devil said, okay it's a deal. Ever since they have been cursed by one thing after the other.

"Weather officials in the Philippines reported the storm, known locally as Typhoon Yolanda, came ashore with maximum sustained winds of 147 mph (235 kilometers per hour) and gusts of up to 170 mph (275 miles per hour)." Unless you have better information, that's the official numbers.

what's really heartless is denying climate change and passing on the problem to unborn generations.

I guess (yet again) if you actual read your own link the difference would be easily explained, the 195 figure is before land fall the 150 figure is after it made land fall, nobody lied, you just didn't read you own link.

Fox News & News Ltd publications are claiming wing gusts to 170mph - does that mean they are part of the global communist conspiracy?



EDIT : WOW - the Daily Mail (the preferred journal for the denier industry ) is stating " Typhoon Haiyan was a maximum category-five storm with gusts of up to 235mph" http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-...

Have they joined the global conspiracy too? Does this mean we can ignore every denier who quotes a Daily Mail story in future? Or do deniers prefer al fresco news ....... just chose what ever story fits your daily rants?

Of course The EPA was blaming extreme weather caused by climate change . There was a town meeting in DC and the chicken littles came out . It was shown on C Span on friday .

There is no Scientist or Science in the EPA . Just quacks

and money grubbing liars . They have no proof .

I guess so, alarmist like Kano, who chose to live his retirement in the Philippines, finds these types of events boring. [1] It clearly shows a lack of empathy.

As for the wind speeds don't cherry pick, go to point of view neutral sites instead of news papers or blogs. And follow the links!

EDIT: Kano's claim it is a scam to take your money, is alarmist and has no bearing on the science.

And in case you didn't notice it is the deniers who are playing politics with the death of 10,000 people by posting this question to begin with. And you wonder why I find people like yourself who claim to be Christians, DISGUSTING!

It is a tragedy and horrifying to watch the scenes from Tacloban, and of course you can expect the media to exaggerate they always do, but some of it was just a mistake about MPH and KPH

Things got really quiet after Hurricane Katrina, so not really a Hurricane Sandy and this on fit the bill nicely.

Remind me again, was this a weather event or a climate event?


It seems that international forecasters such as Roger Edson and Jeffrey Masters have exaggerated the wind speeds of the Philippine Haiyan Typhoon by fifty -- to -- one-hundred percent.

According to quotes in the New York Times, Edson claimed the wind speeds of Haiyan were 195 miles per hour, but the Philippine weather authorities measured 100 to 150 mile per hour winds at landfall. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/09/world/asia/powerful-typhoon-causes-mass-disruption-in-philippines.html?smid=tw-share

Masters claimed gusts of up to 170 miles per hour. Jeff Masters exaggerated the wind speeds by 50 MPH and got thousands of news publications to print his lies. http://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/2013/11/09/shock-news-jeff-masters-most-powerful-hurricane-ever-was-only-a-category-4/

Claims like 195 m.p.h. winds would put the storm “off the charts,” according to Edson.

How despicable is it to use the suffering of the Philippine people to promote this Alarmist political agenda?


The BBC and ****** already have.