> Considering arctic sea ice, is it really getting colder?

Considering arctic sea ice, is it really getting colder?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The denialists love to talk about what happens in the short term.



I can't help notice that they fret about the Arctic losing its ice in the summer but why would anyone think that is necessarily a bad thing and second why would they insist on blaming humans as if it hadn't occurred before. Personally, I worry more about the uptick in recent years on that chart than the general downtrend in the last few decades.

The 'vortex' has to do with where the jet stream goes. Those below the trough will get cold, and those above the ridge will have warmer temperatures. The ice fields within the trough will expand, and those within the ridge will melt to some extent. Total change overall....not much one way or the other.

According to the temperature datasets the temperature seems to be fairly constant at the moment.

Polar vortices are weather and should not be confused with climate. They have not just started recently either. They have probably existed since the earth started spinning and had an atmosphere.

@CR: Some "realists" use short term graphs as well. See below:

What a horsh!t article, well I agree it is too early to call it a recovery, but not only is the extent greater than 2012 but there now there is more old ice around (2 and 3 yrs old) and volume and thickness is up according to PIOMAS so barring extreme weather (cyclonic winds) we will not see another record low for several years to come.

Linlyons, you ought to know better. This has nothing to do with long term decline


Or is it a 'normal' variation?

Thinking about the polar vortex, would that make arctic sea ice extent and thickness more or less?