> Does Geoengineering equal environmental vandalism?

Does Geoengineering equal environmental vandalism?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
are they doing more damage to the planet than fixing a 'theory' that Man is making it warmer?

Yes.....that is the point

The chemtrails can't be good.....my theory is the HAARP technology is also involved

Where I live in the country about 60 miles west of Chicago the chemtrails are obvious. The small town even had a meeting about it. We found they are spraying barium. Also many were finding green slimy film on there windshield's caused by the chemtrails. They are spraying something.


This is effecting the weather not sure why they are spraying barium. I know it absorbs radiation but I'm still working on this conspiracy.

In most cases that is exactly the case.

A few weeks ago I put out two questions. One in essence was what good has the environmental movement done for mankind and the earth? The other question, what damage has the environmental movement to mankind and the earth. The credible damage list was extensive. The only thing substantial on the good side was that it cleaned up the highways. Trillions of dollars spent and we can only say that our highways are clean!? Ha! Ha!

One of the claims was that the eradication of DDT was good for the globe. It is sickening to think that some idiot would even think that. Outlawing DDT is directly attributable to millions dying each year due to Malaria. That alone is vandalism and terrorism wrapped in one package.

You are assuming that purposeful geoengineering is happening. It is not.

There is some small-scale experimentation going on, resulting primarily in media noise.

Therookie has a very good point about inadvertent geoengineering.

Adding tons/day of CO2 into our atmosphere IS geoengineering. That is turning into a real disaster for us.

are they doing more damage to the planet than fixing a 'theory' that Man is making it warmer?