> Will 2014 be the warmest year?

Will 2014 be the warmest year?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
As you can see deniers can't answer you with any straight answer they offer stories that they don't trust science sites but instead base their 'faith' in blogs.

One (kano) tells you to look at UAH satellite measuring systems, funny I am not aware the University of Alabama Huntsville has a satellite, they have a scientist? (Roy Spencer) who consistently produces reports showing lower temps than the three real temp data sources (i.e NASA, UK Met and Japan)

Roy Spencer is well paid by denier groups to produce these reports so they can be used in denier blogs.

As for your actual question, kano is telling you not to trust NOAA for a pretty obvious denier reason, he knows the current data is the death bell tolling on denial and their absurd theories, that we have not warmed since 1998 (or 18 years depending on which denier story you look at)

As with the release of the Nov temp data 2014 is now even more likely to be the warmest year in the modern record, with a year to date (Jan-Nov) temp of 0.68c. (compared to 1998 ~0.63c)


It's getting quite hard to claim no warming since 1998, if 1998 is now highly likely to drop to the 4th warmest year in the modern record.

It depends on how gullible you are. If you believe the dozens and dozens of "corrections" to previous temperatures were legit, then yes they may find a way to finagle 2014 as the warmest. If you have half a brain, probably not.

As Stalin said, "It is the ones who COUNT the votes that really counts."

I am sure that it is mandated by the elites that 2014 be the warmest year, even though they were skiing in the northeast US in the Summer. So like good little soldiers they will do their corruptions. Then after much researching by true scientists they will be proved wrong. But by then our Congress will have enacted many taxes and laws in accordance with 2014 being the warmest year. We have seen this time and time again.


Also study this.

But in 2009, as the thermometer hit record lows in America, he and other climate scientists panicked in a flurry of emails: “Skeptics will be all over us – the world is really cooling, the models are no good.”

Read more: http://joemiller.us/2012/08/busted-leake...

The greenie scientists knew that 2009 was record lows but now is registered as one of the hottest years in history. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Can you believe ANYTHING a greenie says?

NASA GISS are doing their bit. The past in Alice Springs just got colder!

They only need a hundredth of a degree to make it the hottest ever so every little helps.

I wonder when the greatly reduced the number of stations they considered in their average whether they thought that they would need to "adjust" fewer stations to get the result they were looking for? No, I don't think so for a minute, either.

No .But the upcoming years maybe hotter than ever recorded due to global warming.

According to RSS or UAH satellite measuring systems NO, but I am sure NOAA or NCDC will make it the hottest, I am thought they had 2010 as the hottest, but it does not look so hot now, maybe they are making room for 2014.

Yes - because so much depends on each year being warmer then the previous. Thanks to creative filtering, 2015 will be warmer then 2014, 2016 will be warmer than 2015 and so on. If they show the planet is cooling, then they lose their funding.,

In reality -- No far from it by a long way

In bullshit global warming la la land -- Yes it's the warmest year ever on planet Earth and the rest of the Universe.


