> How important is Global Warming?

How important is Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Global Warming and Climate change do exist, but they are not the huge problem that people have been scared into thinking they are. Global Warming is caused by levels of carbon dioxide in the earths atmosphere being slightly increased leading to slightly increased temperatures. This can be, to a point, linked to human intervention. However over millions of years the earths temperature has increased and decreased to varying amounts. There have been several "Ice Ages" and warmer spells as we are having now. The earths temperature rising by a few degrees won't cause continents to be flooded and the doom of the human race like many have tried to make us believe

Global temperatures during January - August 2011 were the third coldest on record in the lower stratosphere, according to the National Climatic Data Center, and have been generally declining in recent decades . Why is this important? Well, the stratosphere is that layer of the upper atmosphere approximately 14-22 km above the surface that contains our protective ozone layer.

Global warming is very important for human because it has the potential to destroy the Earths.

Ever seen the instantly frozen palm tree leaves at the museum in Missoula ? That's was maybe 150,000 years before Algore invented the internet and Sarah had lunch with Jesus in Wassala.

They called that grookgrunkgrickblott ( translates to global cooling)

It's as important as the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus.

There is NO **man-made** Global Warming and there has never been any.

What global warming? It's been cooling for at least 12 years according to HadCrut3 & 4.


According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for almost 18 year.

its very important factor which causes change in temperature, climate change, natural disaster and harms flora and fauna so, we should do the activities to reduce the global warming.

Very important to the modern day snake oil salesmen. It is Al Gore's main meal ticket.

Global warming causes an increase and decrease in temperatures in the world. This generally affects the habitat, ecosystem, ocean water levels, etc.

To who? If you are old you won't notice much.

If you are young, you will live to see changes i climate where food is grown.

The natural world you are used to seeing will change.

Everything that's going on is important to us. We are humans, not chipmunks.

Without Warming, life would be difficult.

It's not it's just a word that people throw out to make people frighten that the world is gonna blow up. the world has been changing for centuries. some people think they are gonna change the planet when they cannot

It's very important to fight the politics behind this hoax with everything you've got.

global warming leads to climate change,climate change leads to natural disasters and this leads to destruction and human death but many people don't think global warming is a big problem

the world is over populated

it would be a very good thing ,longer growing season .
