> Is Global Warming caused by those who wish others a Merry Christmas?

Is Global Warming caused by those who wish others a Merry Christmas?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No; you could say he had to take another flight, but the chances are that one was going there anyway, so no extra CO2, therefore no extra warming from this event. Merry Christmas to you too and all the other addicts who can't even keep away on this day! Merry Christmas everyone.

Those who get overheated about the well wishing clearly contribute their abnormal rise in temperature to the Globe's warmth.

I say abnormal because if you don't observe Xmas, it's no different than: "Have a Merry Wednesday and Thursday!" and what's wrong with that?

People are weird, hmm it is Boxing Day here now.

What a silly idea.

not entirely

Passenger tossed after flipping out over staff’s ‘Merry Christmas’ http://nypost.com/2014/12/25/plane-passenger-tossed-after-angry-reaction-to-merry-christmas/

By the way: Merry Christmas Everyone !