> NASA is claiming that there's only a 38% chance that 2014 was the hottest year ever. Is that good enough for you to

NASA is claiming that there's only a 38% chance that 2014 was the hottest year ever. Is that good enough for you to

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I believe the satellite measurments RSS and UAH according to them 1998 is still the hottest year.

okay 2014 was a warm year but nothing special, in fact it was quite nice.

Man-made, global warming research funding nonsense.....have to get the truth from another country.

Same old crap....so-called "scientists" falsifying data results in order to keep the Taxpayer Billions flowing and their 'empires' growing. Those Goobers are scared ***less that they could lose their cushy Taxcpayer-financed 'jobs' and be forced to get REAL jobs in the private sector......where REAL results are expected.

Elizabeth.........So.....bottom line is that there is a 62% "probability" that 2014 is NOT the warmest year?? Certainly gives one cause for concern as to the credibility of all of the other Alarmist claims regarding Catastrophic, Man-made Global Warming....or Climate Change.....or Climate Disruption....or whatever it is being called this week. What other 'Details' are being conveniently withheld from the Taxpayer's public servants???!!!....

There are three years under consideration ... 2014, 2010 or 2005. Each of these is a contender for the hottest year on record but, as the article correctly states, there is only a slight difference between them.

Therefore the probability that any one year is the hottest should be 33.3% if that probability was equally distributed between 2014, 2010, or 2005. The fact that the probability of 2014 being the hottest is 38%, not 33.3% suggests it is probably the hottest of the three and at least hotter than one of the others.

The Daily Mail and skeptics should review the chapter on percentages in their school books ...

No they used bogus numbers , The Midwest had a mild Summer . California is where some of the liberal elitist live .

We should take into account margin of error and that they manipulated the friggin hell out of the data to get it to where they could say it was a record in the first place.

Good answer Elizabeth. The concern is that this has happened in ENSO neutral conditions; The other two record years, as well as 1998, followed El Nino events.

This may help with the percentages question.


I didn't feel anything.

NASA has stated that there's a 2 out of 3 likelihood that 2014 is not the hottest year on record as it is claiming. With it being far more likely that 2014 was not the hottest year, will you still hold on to the belief that 2014 was the hottest year just because it fits the narrative you want to believe?
