> Global Warming?

Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Some truly and fully believe the greenhouse gas emissions are causing climate change. They honestly examine the data and come to that conclusion. Second, some hold to the climate change mindset with an almost religious fervor. Many within the environmentalist movement are so obsessed with protecting "Mother Earth" that they will use any argument to accomplish that goal, no matter how biased and unbalanced it is. Third, some promote the climate change mentality for financial gain. Some of the strongest proponents of climate change legislation are those who stand to have the greatest financial gain from "green" laws and technologies. Before the climate change mindset is accepted, it should be recognized that not everyone who promotes climate change is doing so from an informed foundation and pure motives.

How, then, should a Christian view climate change? We should view it skeptically and critically, but at the same time honestly and respectfully. Most importantly, though, Christians should look at climate change biblically. What does the Bible say about climate change? Not much. Likely the closest biblical examples of what could be considered climate change would be the end times disasters prophesied in Revelation 6–18. Yet these prophecies have nothing to do with greenhouse gas emissions; rather, they are the result of the wrath of God, pouring out justice on an increasingly wicked world. Also, a Christian must remember that God is in control and that this world is not our home. God will one day erase this current universe (2 Peter 3:7-12) and replace it with the New Heavens and New Earth (Revelation 21–22). How much effort should be made "saving" a planet that God is eventually going to obliterate and replace with a planet so amazing and wonderful that the current earth pales in comparison?

Is there anything wrong with going green? No, of course not. Is trying to reduce your carbon footprint a good thing? Probably so. Are solar panels, wind mills, and other renewable energy sources worth pursuing? Of course. Are any of these things to be the primary focus of followers of Jesus Christ? Absolutely not! As Christians, our focus should be proclaiming the truth of the gospel, the message that has the power to save souls. Saving the planet is not within our power or responsibility. Climate change may or may not be real, and may or may not be human-caused. What we can know for certain is that God is good and sovereign, and that Planet Earth will be our habitat for as long as God desires it to be. Psalm 46:2-3, "Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging."

I agree with you on the anti-pollution matter, it is just that I don't believe CO2 is pollutant, or that climate change (if it happens that is) would be dangerous, well not warming anyway, cooling would be dangerous civilisation have always suffered during cooling periods.

The climate might be complex, but I don't think climate change is, it is very simple CO2 is a greenhouse gas adding more CO2 to the atmosphere might cause warming and to some extent it probably does, but the big question is how much? and will it be dangerous or beneficial?

Well so far despite all the alarmist warning of dire consequences, nothing much seems to be happening, and the public is getting bored with all these shouts about calamitous earth shattering events that are going to happen, (you can only call wolf so many times) they are rightly so more concerned about war, terrorism, disease, poverty, and even mundane items like the economy, jobs and taxes.

I guess because in the 90's although there was a lot of talk about it there was no urgency to actually do anything and no pressure on the major polluters to change the way they operate. Now it looks like there will be taxes and restrictions the people that have most to lose in the petroleum, coal and other industries are trying to protect their pockets and spreading all this rubbish about it man made climate change not being a problem.

I bet the executives from the cigarette companies didn't freely admit that their product was bad for you either even when 97% of doctors agreed that it was.

Clearly we have a party (Democrats if that needs to be said) that wants its members to engage in rituals such as picking up litter so they can save the planet. That way they feel they belong. This has continued into the GW movement where members don't know the first thing about science, but they know they care and they believe they belong to a group of caring people who think they are helping the planet. The problem is, the science doesn't support them and in the end the end they are just gullible young minds trying to belong. The history of the earth is littered by similar cults that have come and gone promising to save the world.

" But I see climate change as something caused by pollution." But do you see any scientific evidence of it? that is the real question. Simply prove that man has enough power in any way to change the climate and I will be on your side in a heartbeat. Until then. . .

There is NO **man-made** Global Warming and there has never been any. In fact there is currently no warming of any kind, man-made or otherwise.

What global warming? It's been cooling for at least 12 years according to HadCrut3 & HadCrut4 is nearly flat. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut...

According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for more than 18 years.

The science says that CO2 is causing warming. The science is complicated, the fix is painful, and yes, people have a hard time grasping that. (As seen here on this site.)

So some of us invest a lot of effort in an attempt to get people to grasp it.

The Earth as we know it is at stake.

Captain Planet movie is coming out

a pollutant is something in excess of normal or natural. excessive noise is noise pollution. humans have increased co2 levels from 280ppm to 400ppm. it is a pollutant and it is changing climate.

this ya forum is full of deniers.

Global warming is a myth

When I was a kid (90s) anti polution culture was a big thing. Kind of like the "green movement" now but it was more geared toward not littering and not dumping waste in the oceans instead of the current emphasis or clean energy. Everywhere, there were cartoons(like captain planet), ads, school programs, Etc. and no one opposed this. It seems to me like the climate change movement is the new anti solution movement but why can't we just keep the emphasis on not polluting since many people can't seem to grasp something as complex as climate change. No one would disagree that pollution is bad, but people think that climate change is a myth. But I see climate change as something caused by pollution. I know this question is not the most straight forward. It's more of a gathering of thoughts.

No one likes being lied to.

Increasing day by day.