> Can we STOP spending billions on global warming now?

Can we STOP spending billions on global warming now?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
We should've never spent billions in the first place,

Governments should be more cautious, they should require concrete evidence before implementing possibly damaging policies, not go by unproven theories or unreal climate change models.

Exactly what do you think we're spending "billions of dollars" on that we wouldn't be spending money on even if AGW *wasn't* happening?

Studying climate has lead to good and useful things like better weather forecasting, and better planning for weather-related disasters like droughts. Researching solar power, wind power, and the like will allow us to stop using fossil fuels before we, ya know, run out--even if that won't happen *soon*, it will happen eventually.

Aside, of course, from the "weather is not climate" issue, the "cherrypicking a narrow range that shows 'cooling' doesn't mean that the overall trend isn't one of warming", "media sources are notoriously bad at reporting science correctly", and so on.

And, just to prove that you're cherry-picking, I have a few other trends to show, on the site you provided:

Try putting in 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2011 as the starting year (same data set, same end year) and you'll find that all of those are *upwards* trends. And an even bigger upward trend if you start at, say, 1983 (ya know, so you're actually looking at 30 years, enough to be climate instead of weather), or even 1993.

Weather is a *chaotic* system. Over a short enough time period, you can find warming hiding in a cooling trend, or cooling hiding in a warming trend. The fact that even over this way-too-short time frame, there are more "upwards" than "downward" trends should suggest that the planet *is not cooling*.

Recent studies show that the earth is starting to cool down, and we're nearing the next ice age in the next 100,000 years or so.

We could, and it would have no affect on the environment. But then what would people like Rainforest Jim do? They would have to get an honest job, like flipping burgers. Then again, would you eat a burger made by a person who didn't know if it was warming or cooling?

no it's not global cooling. It's ONE year of data compared to ONE year of data. Both years actually show less ice than long term average.

MAXX... you are really slow, this has been on YA for hours!!!

EDIT: MAXX. A slowdown in warming for land surface is NOT COOLING. Record hot temperatures over the last decades are showing it is NOT COOLING.

IF you are worried about wasting money, a $Trillion (that's a THOUSAND BILLION) in wars is a start.

Yes.....the Daily Mail ........... the scientific/economic/international journal for the scared , the angry the ill informed and the very very stupid

i hope

That site is not trusted so..


And now it's global COOLING!

