> Why global warming is a threat to us?

Why global warming is a threat to us?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It is not a threat, the facts are a doubling of CO2 to 800ppm (perhaps by the yr2100) will cause an increase in 3.7watts per sq meter, which equates to 1C (according to wikipedia) thats is hardly threatening or even worrying, so they add the dodgy postive feedback of water vapour (a stronger GHG) but water vapour does not act the way they say it does, it does not spiral upward like they say it will, water actually moderates our climate, preventing extremes of temperature, water has many negative feedback properties,

Temperatures have been much warmer in the past (holocene climate optimum, Roman warm and Medieval warm periods) and generally humans have thrived during these periods, and suffered from famine and disease in the cold periods (little ice age)

So no it is not a threat and if it did come about it would be beneficial, but it is not looking likely as there has been no rise in temperature for 18yrs now.

ALL of it. AND, scientist could see back in the early 1970's where the earth was headed. If you look up the magazines that were out at the time, you will see that it all adds up to what we are experiencing now.

I personally am glad that I know the Bible and the outcome of mankind.

We haven't quite gotten to an answer for that question, but with a few more Billion $$$$ from Taxpayers, we should have a model that will tell us exactly what is in store for Humanity. :)

Apparently global warming is a change in the global temperature. Because there is no such thing as a global temperature, difficulties arise immediately. It is possible to construct an average of temperature observations, or of imputed historical temperatures, and then to extrapolate into the future. It is then possible to use predictions of an "overheated planet" to drive social and legal actions.

The more philosophical threat from global warming is to science in general, because the attempt to disparage those who criticise the science involved as "deniers" and to claim, "the science is settled," diminishes the reputation of science and engineering among those who are not scientists and engineers.

Successful science derives from observation and understanding of reality, not from immaterialist constructions such as those of Bishop Berkeley, in which reality exists only within our thoughts, and we exist only as thoughts in the Mind of God.

The immediate threat caused by a rejection of proper science is to engineering. Destruction of science and engineering threatens our access to energy. The days of slavery and animal power are behind us. Aristotle suggested that slavery would vanish only if "the looms weaved themselves." (See the first few paragraphs of his 'Politics.') The advent of James Watt's practical steam engine made slavery unnecessary, and provided benefits for all. Eliminating reliable electrical power to the extent required by those who advocate "sustainability" and "green energy" leaves us with a world like that of 500 or 1000 years ago, including the return of slavery. That is the threat that comes from the idea of global warming.

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Wow. A TD! I must be on target!!

Rising sea levels.

More droughts.

More floods.

More extreme weather events.

Crop failure.

Loss of species

Angry refugees.

Increased taxation, increased living costs, restriction of freedoms, more petty laws and regulations and relocation of jobs and industries to the far East