> Has Al Gore paid off 97% of the world's climate scientists and got them all to keep quiet about it?

Has Al Gore paid off 97% of the world's climate scientists and got them all to keep quiet about it?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
How can anyone in their right mind claim that these people, who spend their lives and their careers studying these things are wrong?


Well, if he has then he owes me some money.

I see jim z and Kano are trying to cast doubt on the 97% number. While the number has always sounded a bit high to me, I always though that it was certainly 90+%. I used to have an office in a building with more than 50 climate scientists, and I've been to numerous conferences of the American Geophysical Union and the American Meteorological Society, so I think I have a pretty good feel for the numbers.

The thing I find most convincing about the 97% number is that it wasn't just one survey that came up with a number on that order, it was several. Perhaps more significantly, I haven't seen ANY survey of climate scientists that has come up with a number much different than that. Think about it, if the 97% was not correct, don't you think people like the Koch brothers would have trotted out their pollsters to show that? The only poll I've seen the deniers come up with is one where they've included all sorts of people that not only aren't climate scientists--they're not scientists at all!

EDIT: In case anyone thought it was real, the funny video that Hey Dook posts is a PARODY, those are NOT real answers by real Miss USA contests. [I post this because so many people in here can't tell what's real from what isn't.]

EDIT for graphicconception: Well that's an interesting survey, but you only get the number 52% if you include the non-scientist members of AMS. If you actually look at the survey results you'll see it's much higher among the publishing meteorologists and even higher among the publishing climatologists. The AMS includes many non-scientists--unfortunately there are a lot of TV weather clowns among the members too.

EDIT for Kano: I'm not sure what point you're making. Publishing was just a way of distinguishing active scientists from others. Like I said, AMS includes people like weather broadcasters that are not scientists at all, so that's one way of filtering those people out. There are lots of good scientists that may or may not have published within the last year. They also excluded student members, and graduate students are some of the most active scientists around.

You either agree with Al Gore or you will get fired.

Quote by Will Happer, Princeton University physicist, former Director of Energy Research at the Department of Energy: “I had the privilege of being fired by Al Gore, since I refused to go along with his alarmism....I have spent a long research career studying physics that is closely related to the greenhouse effect....Fears about man-made global warming are unwarranted and are not based on good science. The earth's climate is changing now, as it always has. There is no evidence that the changes differ in any qualitative way from those of the past.”

You want your job, then you have to agree with Al Gore.

That 97% is really 75 out of 77 scientists polled. It is all rhetoric by the greenies. They can't prove anything so they resort to puffing up their numbers. This is an old Alinsky trick. In his Rules for Radicals book he writes, "? Rule 1: Power is not only what you have, but what an opponent thinks you have. If your organization is small, hide your numbers in the dark and raise a din that will make everyone think you have many more people than you do."

This is how they do it. It is clearly lying and totally unprofessional. These are not scientists who say they agree with Global Warming but rear end kissers. They can't find an honest job so they become Climate Scientists. You get your diploma out of a Cracker Jack box.

Global Warming was turned off in 2012 and Al gore and his scientists had nothing to do with it. A foreign country implemented my Triple output to feed their country better and at the same time Turned Off Global Warming without knowing it. I know because ice is building back up on different parts of earth. Also our environment has been safe for a thousand years. Mike / Global Command

Don't be ridiculous, most scientist's have contempt for AL Gore.

Hmm the 97% comes from all the scientific agencies and organizations, that the scientists work for, nobody actually asked all the scientists, they didn't have a ballot where everyone could anonymously vote.

All these organizations receive funding from governments what do you expect them to say.

Look at NASA they are always struggling for funding, and always fighting funding cuts, you think they will go against the government NO WAY, for the greater good of science they will agree with the government so they can get on with important other sciences.

Well that is a ridiculous theory I thought you skeptics were done rubbing noses with Al No one was bought and paid for except denier organizations and some individual deniers.

BTW Piltdown Mann There is no cooling and has been no cooling for this and the past decade Only those deluded skeptics believe that

2013 may be in the top ten warmest global years

Al Gore is notoriously tight with his money. Be assured he would never pay anyone off.

On a more serious note, among other problems with the CAGW cause, it has been shown time and time again, that data has been manipulated/falsified in order to buttress the cause.

A handful of science-rats have deficated in the data punchbowl.

Why do you think the number is 97%?

I agree with pegminer that the American Meteorological Society is a good guide to the current situation.

52% of them think that global warming is happening and that the cause is mostly human.

So, 97% of the scientists are really really surprised that we seem to be in an accelerating cooling trend these days. NONE of them saw it coming.

The climate seems to have opted to join the 3%.

Weird, eh?

Now, if it only WERE warming. If only...

That's interestig, I wonder why the former administrator of NASA, Michel Griffin, said that global warming isn't a problem worth wrestling with. I wonder why he is the former NASA administrator, I wonder how much NASA gets from the gov. For climate research. Makes you wonder? Or does it?

NO. As the very knowledgeable Kano points out, on this very page, with his customary plethora of unimpeachable sources and citations and links, Gore didn't pay hundreds of thousands of scientists. He paid thousands of university science departments, academies of science, university science textbook writers, and major corporate CEOs around the world for decades.









How can anyone in their right mind claim that these people, who spend their lives and their careers studying these things are wrong?


You have managed to delude yourself. There is almost no evidence that our CO2 emissions have caused the warming except failed models. They pulled that 97% from where their heads are buried.

It all a conspiracy, despite the facts to the contrary

I believe that you have answered your own question with the "in their right mind".

How dare they question the authority! You have told them over and over, they are not to think for themselves! They must not question what they have been told by the experts! Most of all, they must not be allowed to think critically! If that got started, who knows where it might lead? Off with their heads!