> Are you also annoyed by abrupt system changes at YA, especially recently?

Are you also annoyed by abrupt system changes at YA, especially recently?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Clearly, the Illuminati are trying to silence Billy and the rest of Yahoo is paying the price.

Seriously, though, I agree with you. Why bother to have categories like Global Warming that are both complex and far reaching in social impact, but only provide enough space for Henny Youngman one-liners?

Some one is going through your questions and reporting abuse. A childish attempt to get your account suspended. I have no proof whatsoever but I suspect Raisin Caine as he is extremely vicious and relatively new. Others must have reported you before and his report (if it was him) would have been the straw that broke the camel's back.

I suggest you just make a new one when this does happen...

It took me ages to open that comment.

Did a bit of research and found that Yahoo claims it is still possible to add details to questions. More info here under Revamped Questions Page:


Coincidentally, I just noted that my Best Answers rate is 26000%. Clearly there are still many glitches to work out.

just bear with all is for well

The random number generator in the computer program that runs YA seems to have kicked into high gear lately. I got a number of good responses to my recent question on vaporization (BS "reporting" and deleting by the "trusted" YA "community") of old Qs and As, but could not reply to them, because:

1) It is now not possible to add "additional detail" once you post a question

2) So, I went ahead to pick one of several already good answers as "best," and put a short form version of my response into the comment of the "rating and comment" following the BA choice, but most of my even short comment was truncated.

3) So, I then added a comment to that now just-"resolved" question. But that comment to the comment to the question was also TRUNCATED when posted.

HERE is what I wanted to say (short form) about vaporization:

"3 of us hit at once: not likely a coincidence. In my 3+ years experience, such vaporization comes in waves, not steadily, and careful wording, hiding Qs & As, blocking, appealing, are all worthless. All that works is copying pre-vaporization and reposting. But it's also helpful to share experiences."

I note that there is pattern here: of forced truncation. I wonder (contrary to the random number generator theory) if this is related to Yahoo's low profits, and they are actually investing now in the cost of a REAL person to try to (clumsily) take action to cut the costs of running Answers (first, probably, before later giving up and axing it completely).