> What was the global (Earths) noise level in 1926 and what is in 2014? can that increase be disturbing our Night sleep?

What was the global (Earths) noise level in 1926 and what is in 2014? can that increase be disturbing our Night sleep?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
If you have a problem sleeping because of noise, it can only be due to local noise.

Where we are tired and go for sleep where is time to hear the noise and if there is no mosquitoes hiding in the room there is a sleep well time

Not sure what you mean. I sleep very well. Further, I have slept in the woods. Those crickets and secadas can be very noisy.

Have you been hearing noises? Ver-r-ry inter-r-r-esting!

what was the global (Earths) noise level in 1926 and what is in 2014? can that increase be disturbing our Night sleep? like the rise of Earth temperature's, Carbon level,

Also what is the Earths (Oxygen) level in year 1926 and now in 2014?

Global noise level in 1926 during night time and during day time?

Global noise level in 2014 during night time and during day time?

are the molecules in air due to increase in noise level are moving faster than in year 2014, than were in year 1926?

ice sheets are also getting less and sea level rise too.