> What does obama want for climate change and what do you think the critics would say about this?

What does obama want for climate change and what do you think the critics would say about this?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Obama did NOT promise that he would lower the sea level.

He is pushing renewable energy sources.

It would be good to keep a couple things in mind:

1. We're not out of the recession yet, and with all the jobs that were sent out of the country, there is no indication when we'll ever be out of it. Nothing in the foreseeable future is going to make those jobs come back. We really cannot run our country on service industry jobs -- they don't pay enough, or produce anything of real value.

2. Republicans block just about everything that Obama wants to do. As soon as he endorses anything, the republicans are against it. That's why he's been relatively quiet on lots of issues -- to not give the republicans an excuse to block something that is obviously good.

Obama has said that climate change is a problem, and way too many republicans have said that it is not a problem. One problem republican politicians have is that they get considerable campaign money from organizations that depend on the fossil fuel industry. It's clearly not in their political interest to support global warming issues.

Well he has promised us that he will lower the seas. What more do you want? Egg in your beer? And he will address that problem right after another ten or twenty rounds of golf.

If you really want to know what Obama wants as far as Climate Change ask George Soros.

Like most politicians on most issues, he is making a token effort at doing something about a problem that is serious and long term, but very rarely a make or break issue in elections.

Obama has done so little on climate that his critics rarely talk about it, and mostly focus on other things. Here on YA only a few hard-core pseudo ideologues make Obama part of their science= politics delusions or deceptions.

He wants to make as political environment.

He wants to make as much money off of it as Al Gore has!!!