> Global warming how fast are sea levels going to rise?

Global warming how fast are sea levels going to rise?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Where is this rise? Got to St. Augustine, FL. The sea level hasn't risen there in all that time. It pretty much is the same as when it was settled. It is the US's oldest established city. And your old and tired scares are worn out retreads.

Quote by Noel Brown, UN official: "Entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000. Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of "eco-refugees," threatening political chaos."

Now don't you feel a little bit foolish and unoriginal?

Indirect answer to your question: As history shows, there has been little significant change in the ocean's level since before the founding of this nation. So virtually no change.

"By the year 2000 the United Kingdom will be simply a small group of impoverished islands, inhabited by some 70 million hungry people ... If I were a gambler, I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000." Paul Ehrlich 1971

Why does anyone even listen to these proven intellectually bankrupt prognosticators? You would think that by now someone would catch on.

Well the seas rise slightly differently from place to place. Over the last 2 years, I have seen a number of predictions of 8-12 inches by 2100 but with global warming incrasing, it is likely more like 12-15 inches

It seems that it is not sea level that is proportional to the amount of warming, but itis the rate of sea level rise that is proportional to the amount of warming. The higher above freezing the edge of a glacier is, the faster it melts.

My suspicion is that much of the warming of the twentieth century, especially the natural warming of the first half, reversed the drop of sea level during the Little Ice Age. Subsequent warming will accelerate the rate of sea rise. And unlike expanding glaciers, which can only expand when it is moderately cold, because very cold air contains almost no moisture to form snow, melting snow can be speeded up by more extreme warm temperatures.

and your explanation as to WHY they are rising is...? Even 1M is a lot as an average, storm surges are already damaging. If you even been in Florida, a 3 foot tide eats away at a lot of sandy waterfront.

Watts "relaid" from NASA is a good one. He's obviously not relaying all the information, only the cherry pick that he wants.

The answer to your question lies in the permafrost located in tundras around the world, but especially in the northern parts of the world. As the ice in the permafrost melts, it releases previously sealed greenhouse gases from dead plant material into the atmosphere. Under normal circumstances, that dead plant matter might have turned into petroleum/fossil fuel given enough time and if sealed underground. however, global warming exposes that plant matter. the greenhouse gases released contribute even more to global warming, which melts more permafrost, exposing more plant matter, releasing more greenhouse gases, raising the temperature even more. This vicious cycle will melt the polar ice caps at an increasing rate, thus raising sea level faster and faster.

The main cause of the rise in sea water level due to global warming isn't the melting of the ice , it's the expansion of the sea after due to an increased temperature

Well gosh, I seem to recall explaining it to you at least half a dozen times

but here goes again

sea level was rising at ~1.7mm per year for most of the last one hundred years, it is now, as of the early 1990's, rising at the rate of 3.16mm per year. You claim it could only rise another 6.7in as it did in the last century. Not sure where you went to school U.K, Kuwait, Philippines or Timbuktu (but probably some where actually in the U.S. I suspect) but at any school in any of those places even a grade 3 kid should be able to grasp that at the current rate (even if it doesn't increase further) 3.16mm per year for 100 years is 31.6cm that is over 1 foot not 6in, I have now pointed this out to you several times and you simply (like a true denier) ignore it. But the simple maths are there for every one to see.

In 110 years, from 1880 and 1990 sea level rose 150mm (6in) in just 23 years since 1990 it has risen a further 75mm for a total rise of 225mm which is 8.8in (not 6.7in) but then trying to quote figures that are years out of data is an old and well used denier trick.


Again in case the maths of this escapes you it took 110 years to rise 150mm yet in just the last 23 years, it has gone up a further 75mm, 50% of the 110 year figure in just 23 years. It only has to do that twice more over the next 50 to 70 years and 1m is pretty much done, so not the great amount you pretend. 1rd of the 225mm of sea level rise we have had has happened in just the last 23 years, as usual the fact are at odds with the nonsense you have simply made up

In another question today you posted that glaciers where not melting and you posted links to sea ice data to show that, I think if you can't tell the difference between glaciers and sea ice you should stop pretending you have even a slight grasp of whats going on.

The actual link to GLACIAL data


While we are the cause this time, when ice melts it doesn't matter what the cause is it follows the same process, and we have considerable data from past natural melts especially the most recent that shows ice tends to start melting slowly and then accelerates, When liquid water starts to create melt holes and get to the base of the glacier speeding up it flow and that is starting to be observed in both Antarctica and Greenland, now.

As deniers seem to put so much faith in Youtube perhaps a video rather than a link to a science site showing the actual effect will convince you (who am I kidding, nothing will move your faith)

P.S. love your link it seems to be a graph hidden in some sort of Montenegro Government info site, very convincing

Your link - http://bjelasica-komovi.me/rda/wp-includ...

The top level - http://www.bjelasica-komovi.me/rda/?page...

Just in case you haven't lived there as well it's a region in Northern Montenegro.

P.P.S. Not even going to bother wasting my time with the nonsense on aquifer water, what next you will start doing the troll joke that if we all flush our toilets sea level will be lowered, yawn

xero: a fine example of the fantasy bubble kano seems to live in, reports of melting permafrost have been growing for years and it is now confirmed to be happening across the Arctic from Northern Russia to Alaska, Scientists had thought this would not happen for decades yet, but it seems to be starting to happen now, thousands of new lakes forming in Siberia, houses sinking.


edit: So a watts link rather than a NASA one, because I guess a NASA link would show what they think sea level is doing, and that is 3.16mm (look for yourself)

As for the comment on the other question, sorry I seem to be missing a correction there, you posted links to sea ice while trying to comment about ice sheets, how is that the other guy's (who you insult) problem. I note as usual no attempt to address the actual glacial data that I posted.

edit 2: congratulations you have posted a real paper, it's about methane release not sea level rise and glacial ice, so as usual you attempt to change the subject. How should I respond, perhaps by posting a paper about cheese fermentation.

At this rate New York will be underwater soon.

20 ft raise of water level in 500 years with climates 40 50 degrees in Colorado and CANADA! Greenland and any ice melts quicker because the ice is white which reflects sunlight but now it's gone blue water absorbs

Before that all happens, our government will put us all in camps and we will be long gone mate. Dont worry bout that stuff. Worry about today and be happy. You never know what tomorrow brings.