> I have to make project on global warming do you have any idea that how can i make it more int resting?

I have to make project on global warming do you have any idea that how can i make it more int resting?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Well I learned this in my critical thinking class logic and reasoning won't appeal to most people but emotion does.

so try to scare people include pictures that will make people fear global warming talk about how it will change the world for the bad

show pictures of polar bears dying because there are no more arctic ice caps

things like that

people starving because crops cannot survive the temp change

I have to agree with TK. Telling people the fact that there has been no significant warming for the past 17 years despite a massive increase in man made CO2 is boring. Telling people that temperatures are trending BELOW James Hansen's scenario of stopping all man made GHG emissions by the year 2000 is boring.

Scare people. Lie to them. Tell them to ignore reality and instead believe in the disastrous predictions instead. Tell them there will be 50 million climate refugees by the year 2020. Tell them that sea level rise will flood major cities in 10 years. Tell them that global crop production has gone down instead of up over the past few decades.

Show a Creationist Scientist's view of Global Warming/Climate Change.


That should make things real interesting.

Most all of the Global Warming/Climate Change fanatics believe in Evolution. Show a Creationist view and I'm sure that you will create some excitement. :-)

you could follow all the deniers arguments and break them down just for fun. Most are just so stupid as to be comical.

if it's a science project, you could look at previous period of warming like the PETM 65 million years ago and document what the planet looked like then

Discuss how various factors effect climate. But this does not mean that carbon dioxide does not effect climate. If natural factors were dominant, Earth would have been cooling for the last 50 years.


Well if you are in India, look up India's energy emissions, and likely future emissions(check out 3000quads.com) as well as China. Then note that they are looking for an 80% cut in global CO2 emissions, and what that means for India's emissions. That people will have longer power cuts, and even more expensive petrol, and for the most part will not be allowed to improve their lifestyle to match the west.

Watch these so you know what you are talking about.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Show what the world will look like if all of the ice melted. http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2013/0...

-Florida is completely gone.