> Why is the world cooling.?

Why is the world cooling.?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
If global warming is real why is the world cooling off.


The world isn’t cooling at all. There are some people who try to pretend that global warming isn’t happening and to this end they make up all sorts of nonsense. It appears the graph that you posted was created in August last year by an engineer (not a scientist) who runs his own website with the aim of spreading lies and propaganda about global warming. His name is Pierre Gosselin and his website is called No Tricks Zone.



Hopefully you’re not buying into the global cooling nonsense, if you are then I’d strongly suggest doing some research of your own and only relying on reputable sources.

The graph you posted is a feeble attempt at deception. It is nothing more than cherry picked data. 1998 was the year of the strongest El Nino ever recorded and this pushed temperatures unusually high. Doing any direct comparison with 1998 is a really dumb thing to do.

Using exactly the same data from exactly the same source, what happens if we bring the graph right up to date?

Jim z -- and [Zippi62 – Jim Z is correct] ---

>>It is pretty funny to me that Gring0 thinks his time interval is more relevant than yours. It is all about selecting the time interval to make it say what you want.<<

You are both wrong. The issue is degrees of freedom – and since Gring0 has more data, his graph is better.

The asker's graph does not support cooling – because it is not valid scientific evidence - because the time period is too short to resolve the temperature signal.

If either of you scientifically- and mathematically-challenged nitwits can provide a scientific test suggesting that the earth is cooling – or that the trend has changed in any way since 1998 – then show it to us. Otherwise, quit pretending that you know anything about any of this.

The world heats up and cools down it has done since the beginning of time we had the mini Ice age and the medieval warm period which was before the pollution we have now it's all about making money.

Jim Z is correct. Gring0 is simply doing what alarmists have been doing since this whole issue became an issue. Most scientists understand that the Little Ice Age ended in the mid-19th century. Of course an alarmist's graph is going to show warming.

You also have to understand that these are "anomalies" and not actual temperature measurements of the Earth. Science can not pinpoint the "actual" temperature. It is impossible to measure at this point in time. Anomalies are used to identify trends and their accuracy is always being adjusted. If they were so sure of these measurements being an actual representation, they wouldn't be adjusting them continually.

that graph is difficult to read, but i think its the temperatures for december..?

anyway, global warming is not an accurate term. the correct term is climate change, because is causes hotter summers, colder winters, and generally more extreme weather, which causes a drop in temperature during the winter.

I can demonstrate, pretty easily, that your results are cherry-picking.

You started in '98 and ended in '13

For several date ranges:

Definite cooling:

none that I plotted

Very slight cooling:

'98-'12, '98-'13

Very slight warming:

'98-'11, '98-'10, '97-'13, '97-'12, '97-'10

Definite warming:

'99-'10, '99-'11, '99-'12, '99-'13, '97-'11, '96-'10, '96-'11, '96-'12, '96-'13

(the "slight" vs "definite" distinction was made kind of arbitrarily, but you can check the numbers for yourself)

I stopped at '13 because that's the last full year for which we have data.

Note how many year sets are in each category...

it's not. most of the planet is covered by oceans, yet you chose land surface temperatures. Nice trick to chose 1998 as your starting point.

Because of less solar activity. It's actually the Sun that drives climate and NOT human activity.

Watch these and allow some of the world's leading climate scientists to explain.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

This must be one of the least-well informed questions ever.

1. Find a 10-year old who's been to an actual school (not home school) for a couple of years.

2. Ask them to educate you.

it's not. most of the planet is covered by oceans, yet you chose land surface temperatures. Nice trick to chose 1998 as your starting point.

If global warming is real why is the world cooling off.

All the ice will melt.

I think the correct term is carbon cycling. It takes 12,000 years or so. There will be an ice age in the middle. The ice traps excess carbon. It is such a large weather event people are unlikely to affect it much. The last time humans might have done something to retard the onset of the cycle was probably 1948.

Quit worrying about it. It is too big for you to make any difference of any kind.

Enjoy the big weather.

It is Very Exciting to have lived long enough to see results. People have been writing and talking about this event my entire life. For the first 50 years there was little to notice. The last 20+ years have been pretty exciting. One thing I do know is buying shorefront property is a mistake. Ambient water level is already up. The island a friend did her Peace Corps Service on, has gone under water.

The numers are less comprehensible than an island going under. And there is a huge amount of water still coming toward the equator.When the waves meet the sealevel rise will exceed 30 feet near the equator. Most of Florida is going under. It should be about 12 feet at New York. The whole devoped East Coast is going to go under. Well, the less developed West Coast is going under too. It should be 16 feet in LA. CHAOS. hahahahah

And then there is the back wash to deal with.

The CHAOS will be stunning. I was a first responder for 25 years. Chaos can be fun.

Now, I'm old and quite sick. I completely expect to live to see large areas go under water. The Gulf of California will get much closer to my house. It will be very exciting.

Finally, the point is to have fun. EVERYTHING is changing ALL the time. Enjoy it. Play with it. Have fun.

Over what time period and how long do you expect it to last? Is the cooling statistically significant or is it really flat? What geographic area does this represent and what exactly is it measuring for what media (temperature anomalies? What is the base periods represent average? Air temps? Sea temps? An index of the two? How long do you expect this situation to last? Any scientific reasoning behind your reasoning? How does that compare to what scientists who work in the field think? What is the situation prior to this period? Any scientific reson that you picked the start date on the graph? Any scientific reason the start dates were selected for the previous period?

Just food for thought that goes through the mind of most people when they look at something skeptically. It leads to a more thorough understanding of what you are looking at. Scientists actually do this (and more) for a living!

JimZ Gingo chose a starting period that is more in keeping with the begging of the industrial revolution that began the emissions of greenhouse gases from fossil fuel use. It might be the coldest period in recent history, but that is because the cause of the warming we see has not occurred yet. You know this - just for those who may not.

Why was 1998 selected? What do the numbers in the graph represent? Why are they significant?

It is pretty funny to me that Gring0 thinks his time interval is more relevant than yours. It is all about selecting the time interval to make it say what you want. Gring0 chose to start from the coldest point in recent history. If he chose a thousand year interval, it would likely be pretty flat IMO and if they chose 2000 it would probably show a slight cooling trend.

Global warming and/or cooling is all a political hoax. This is a long running scam to increase taxes and make the hoods in DC richer.

It isn't.

You're looking at short-term variations (from 1998, an exceptionally warm year) and fail to see the bigger picture:

Wow, 9 thumbs down just for posting accurate, verifiable information complete with a link. You deniers crack me up.

Because it takes time for nature to to return to normal naturally, since the ozone had warped it for 34 years. Mike

It is not cooling or warming it is incredibly stable, if you look at it from a normal perspective.


It isn't cooling.



Anti-science dupes claim that it is, but are not credible

only the hearts of conservatives are cooling

It's not cooling. 1998 is a cherry picked start date and HadCRUT3 has been replaced with HadCRUT4


Jim Z

No, he didn't.
