> Difference between anthropogenic and natural climate change over hundreds of thousands of years?

Difference between anthropogenic and natural climate change over hundreds of thousands of years?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
please help

The basic difference is that there have been warming and cooling periods during Earth's development but AGW is a result of all the human greenhouse gas emissions which enhance the greenhouse effect and have produced warming over hundreds of years VS the natural warming which occurs over thousands of years.


Natural climate change takes place over hundreds of thousands of years, for the most part. That gives all the life forms on the planet time to adapt to the changes that are occurring.

AGW is happening in a matter of centuries or less. This doesn't give life forms much time to adapt to changes, so a lot more of them will go extinct or the like.

Trying learning what hundred of thousands of years means, historically:

Go to any decent natural history museum with a basic timeline or graph showing

the history of the planet

the history of homo sapiens

the history of human civilization

history from the industrial revolution until now.

and READ what is there!

Anthropogenic climate change is an unproven theory backed by zero evidence, so the question can't be logically answered.

Difference?? ......None!

please help