> Global warming or Climate Change, which is it?

Global warming or Climate Change, which is it?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
All the climate models predicted WARMING, so Global Warming it is. The term 'Climate Change' is just the scammers trying to have it both ways. They want to say any change in climate is man-made and we are supposed to believe that as ridiculous as it is.


Not sure why anyone would "vaporize" this question. At least there's no overt lie in the question, although I'm quite sure the link is garbage.

Personally I prefer "climate change", because many people hear "global warming" and believe that the only change that will come about is warming. If that were true, then maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing, but there are many other consequences also.

I don't really have that much of a problem with "global warming", either, as long as people understand it refers to the global mean temperature. It certainly doesn't mean that temperatures will go up everywhere at every time, just like when it's spring and we know that summer is coming it doesn't mean that each day will be warmer than the one before it.

By the way, what evidence do you have that Jeff M "vaporized" your question? If you don't have any, you should retract that statement.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that what Baccheus said is not correct. The term "global warming" did first occur in scientific literature, in Wally Broecker's 1975 paper in the journal Science, titled "Climate Change: Are we on the Brink of a Pronounced Global Warming?"

Global Warming

Both are the same idea. Global warming is the cause, the climate changing is the effect of global warming. Global warming refers to overall average temperatures increasing, and climate change refers to various other changes in climate that occur as a result, such as increased rain in some areas and decreased rain in other areas, for example.

Both of Global warming or Climate Change

Global warming is the result of climate change due to increase in temperatures which is caused by pollution.

I prefer 'global warming," because it is more specific than climate change. Climate change could be global or regional, warming or cooling. Global warming actually describes the sort of climate change that is happening right now.

Climate Change is used, and has always been used in scientific research. The very related first scientific paper, published in 1956, used Climate Change in the title. The IPCC was created in 1988; the CC stands for climate change.

Global Warming is slang used by media because it is more visual. You won't find the term in the science literature.

First, Warmers marketed their product as "Global Warming"......when that was exposed as a Hoax because the World was not warming, the Warming Cause changed the brand name to "Climate Change".

Their marketing experts also made a brief attempt at selling their wares with "Climate Disruption" and "Catastrophic, Anthroprogenic, Global Warming" (CAGW).......The "Catastrophic" reference was meant to panic the illiterate and young school children.

In any event, as you can see by a couple of the responses to your question, the Warmers have been scrambling to cover up the confusion with all of the various Brand Name changes.

Global warming would be one type of climate change.


Jeff M vaporized this a while back, before all of you could answer. So to offset his nastiness I am reposting it.

Both are used by environmental "alarmist" zealots to describe an anthropogenic impact on the planet, so it doesn't really matter what they call it. I suggest that we give the whole environmental clan an acreage in one our National Parks for about 35 years without any luxuries that pertain to fossil fuel usage and let them document any warming or climate change they have observed over that time period. Of course they will have to write their findings in stone or find some other natural means to document their findings.

Climate Change is easier to confuse people on what the 99.99% of the total natural climate variability is really doing. A less than 0.01% change in the atmosphere affects the whole climate by that much (0.01%), but in labeling it "climate change", it is easier to attach 99.99% of all "catastrophes" to human causation. It's the democratic way!

I digress. The temperature increase (global warming) in 350 years of industrialization is 0.87C and if they want to attribute all of that warming to human causation then we can safely say that an increase of 0.3% (0.87K/288K) has occurred due to human industrialization.

I sincerely doubt that the alarmists will ever concede the fact that 288k out of the 288.87k (99.7%) in temperature is simply caused by natural climate variations. They get to call it whatever they want it seems. It's just helping people understand that "Natural Climate Variability" is still in charge instead of letting these climate clowns obscure the facts.

The bottom line is the fact that 100% of the CO2 is in the atmosphere and is 100% of the reason that life exists on Earth and causes the climate to change anyways.

Here's a moral look at why fossil fuels are good for people : http://www.fool.com/investing/general/20...

global warming causes climate change. there is more to climate than just temperatures.

I don't vaporize questions. I don't report questions. You crazy conspiracy theories are acting up again. I had 5 of my last 6 or 7 answers reported. Does this mean I should blame you?

global warming causes climate change. there is more to climate than just temperatures.

Global warming is temper the earth.natural balance for this cause.

if it is global warming then it is in climate change.

The Earth isn't always warming, so this isn't a good name. However since there's no such thing as a static climate, we know that climate change is always happening, and like every believer knows, it's all man's fault

It doesn't matter. "A Rose is a Rose."

Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck.

the Warming causes Change

it's not that hard to understand


sory its too scientifix